Revoria PC1120 wins BLI 2022 Pro Award

Triumph for Fujifilm as Revoria Press PC1120 Wins Buyers Lab 2022 Pro Award

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Fujifilm’s new Revoria Press PC1120 recently earned the Keypoint Intelligence ‘Buyers Lab 2022 Pro Award’ in the ‘Outstanding High-Volume CMYK+ Production Device’ category. The Revoria Press PC1120 won the BLI 2022 PRO award for Outstanding High-volume CMYK+ Production Device due to:

  • Six colour stations with before – and after – CMYK capabilities that allow for a wider range of inline creative options than some competitors
  • Outstanding halftone image reproduction with the largest CMYK colour gamut tested to date and a range of speciality colours that help create a broad colour palette
  • Customisable and intuitive print server platform, which enables efficient device/remote management capabilities
  • Outstanding mixed-media workflow performance, with no productivity slowdown, which translates to more work being handled inline in a single job submission

An award-winning set of features

David Sweetnam, Keypoint Intelligence’s Director of EMEA/Asia Research & Lab Services commented: “The extra imaging stations before and after the standard CMYK units, along with the diverse range of toner options, make the device stand out amongst others in this digital arena”. Sweetnam was also impressed with the Revoria Flow PC11 Print Server, describing it as “providing a high level of media management, with seamless integration aided by an excellent user-friendly interface”.

Mark Lawn, Fujifilm Europe’s Head of POD Solutions, comments: “We’re delighted to have received this award, as it represents independent recognition of Fujifilm’s outstanding R&D within this area. Fujifilm has ambitious growth plans and this award fuels our drive to continue to work on our new portfolio of Revoria branded products. We know that many companies in the digital printing industry have relied on Keypoint Intelligence for hands-on testing. Their analyst experience is invaluable and for the Revoria PC1120 to be recognised with such an award marks a major milestone for us, and serves to energise us further in bringing the outstanding technologies in this press to customers to support their growth.”

About Keypoint Intelligence

Keypoint Intelligence is recognised as the industry’s most trusted resource for unbiased information and analysis, and its awards are highly respected due to its impartiality and decades of experience in digital printing.


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Download the summary report about why the Revoria PC1120 won the award here..

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Typecast Colour

Case Study

Print and design company Typecast Colour benefits from cost savings and quality improvements thanks to Fujifilm’s PLATESENSE Printing Plate programme

Typecast Colour

Kent, UK


The press operators love the Fujifilm plates – they’re cleaner, more durable and deliver better print quality due to a sharper dot on the plate.”

Chris Stainton | Typecast Colour


  • Annual turnover of £1m in commercial print and reprographic sales
  • Founded in 1980, Typecast has had a long-standing relationship with litho print specialist, Principal Colour, since 1997
  • First UK PLATESENSE Printing Plates customer, following 15 years with previous plate supplier
  • Services a wide range of clients, from publishers and design agencies to end users
  • Became aware of PLATESENSE and Superia plates at Fujifilm’s UK showroom in Bedford
  • Enjoyed a seamless transition onto Fujifilm’s Superia plates.

Typecast produces a wide range of commercial print using both offset and digital equipment. The company services a range of clients from publishers and design agencies to end users, all of whom expect consistently high quality.

When Typecast’s incumbent plate supplier of 15 years announced it was increasing its prices, Typecast decided it was time to benchmark the supplier against others and, as a result, became the first company to invest in Fujifilm’s PLATESENSE Printing Plate programme. Six months after starting to rent a Fujifilm plate processor and Superia thermal low chemistry plates, Typecast is now enjoying multiple benefits and has no regrets about the move.

“We had a good relationship with our previous plate supplier, but after it increased its prices, we decided to explore other options.”

Chris Stainton | Typecast Colour

As part of his research into alternative suppliers, Stainton visited Fujifilm’s UK showroom in Bedford and was impressed by the range of high quality equipment on offer. “Having seen Fujifilm’s plates in Bedford last year,“ he says, “we decided to carry out a comparative test and ran the same job on plates from our existing supplier and then on Fujifilm plates. The Fujifilm plate quality was noticeably higher.”

Typecast signed up to a three year contract to rent a processor and pay for the 11,000 plates per year, all for a nominal monthly fee, eliminating the capital expenditure required to invest in a new processor and providing a consistent and predictable cost.

Design for Environment

The FUJIFILM Group undertakes environmentally conscious product development based on its design for environment initiative.

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As part of its wider global Sustainable Value Plan 2030 (SVP2030), Fujifilm undertakes environmentally conscious product development based on its design for environment initiative. This considers the entire lifecycle of a product, from procurement, manufacturing, transportation, use to the eventual disposal, to set targets from the perspective of climate change mitigation (reduced power use, etc.). From the design stage, the “Reduce, Reuse & Recycle” principle of resource saving, risk reduction of chemical substances, and biodiversity are all considered as part of the development process.

This approach is applied not only to materials and standalone equipment, but also to software and solutions in a bid to reduce environmental impact in the society as a whole. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is conducted to achieve a quantitative and objective assessment of the environmental impact of a product. The environmental label is also used for active dissemination of information.

“Green Value Products” Certification Program

In an effort to “contribute to resolving environmental issues in society through our products and services,” as set out in the Sustainable Value Plan targeted for FY2030, Fujifilm introduced a “Green Value Products” certification program in FY2018.  This program compliments the company’s existing internal regulations on design for environment, and aims to clarify any product’s environmental values and involves the certification of products exhibiting outstanding environmental credentials.

This certification program sets certain priorities to the certification criteria according to the product category and the use and features of each product through its entire life cycle. Fujifilm then clarifies the environmental value of each product by conducting environmentally conscious design assessments based on such certification criteria at the time of product development. Certain products are then selected for certification based on the total score of each assessment item. These products are reviewed and approved by the Group Certification Council, and finally certified as a Fujifilm “Green Value Product”.

The certification criteria are determined for the entire life cycle of each product with a different weight for each assessment item, by comprehensively assessing the environmental items such as “measures for climate change,” “resource saving and recycling,” “risk minimisation for chemical substances,” and “biodiversity” as well as considering the social requirements for each business/product category.

This certification program is implemented in compliance with the requirements of the international standard “ISO14021 Self-declared Environmental Claims” and obtains the opinions of external experts in order to ensure the objectivity, reliability, and transparency of the program.

Certification ranking and criteria

Fujifilm classifies its products into three certification ranks (diamond, gold, and silver) according to the degree of their contribution to the reduction of environmental impact.

RankCertification criteria
DiamondProducts and services that user their respective industries’ innovative technologies to substantially contribute to reducing environmental impact
GoldProducts and services that reduce environmental impact at their respective industries’ highest level
SilverProducts and services that reduce environmental impact at a higher level than their respective industries’ standard

Product examples

In Fujifilm’s Graphic Arts business, the following products have been certified for their environmental performance:

Jet Press 750S High Speed Model:  GOLD

Effects on reduction of environmental impact:

  • Many of the consumables associated with conventional offset printing are eliminated
  • Significantly reduces the amount of wasted paper
  • Smaller footprint compared to previous models
  • The efficient drying mechanism reduces drying times, contributing to significantly higher speeds, and saving power
  • Excellent paper recycleability (de-inking ability)

Overall, there are significant reductions in resources, water use and waste compared to equivalent offset presses, with excellent paper recycling.

Revoria Press PC1120:                      SILVER

The requirements of major environment labels for energy consumption, hazardous substances, audible sound levels during operation and recyclable design are satisfied.

Revoria E1 Series:                             SILVER

The requirements of major environment labels for energy consumption, hazardous substances, audible sound levels during operation and recyclable design are satisfied.

Sustainability targets and the environment

Fujifilm has comprehensive targets relating to sustainability and the environment which lay the foundations for its business management strategies to achieve sustainable growth

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Fujifilm’s Sustainable Value Plan 2030 (SVP2030)

The Fujifilm Group announced its Sustainable Value Plan 2030 (SVP2030) in August 2017. The new plan set targeting FY2030 as its long-term goal, which is expected to lay the foundations of the Group’s business management strategies for sustainable growth. One of the key pillars of the SVP2030 is dedicated to the environment.

The environment and sustainability

There are four priority issues, regarding the environmental part of the SVP2030, each with its own set of targets:

  1. Address climate change
  2. Promote the recycling of resources
  3. Address energy issues towards a decarbonised society
  4. Ensure product and chemical safety

1. Address climate change

Reduce the Fujifilm Group’s own CO2 emissions

Reduce CO2 emissions across the entire product life cycle*1 by 50% by FY2030, compared to the FY2019 level

So far (2020) the progress is 15%, 29% of the way towards the target


Reduce CO2 emissions from its operations (Scope 1 and 2) *2 by 50% by FY2030, compared to the FY2019 level, aiming to achieve net zero CO2 emissions by FY2040

So far (2020) the progress is 6%, 13% of the way towards the target


Convert 50% of purchased electric power to renewable energy-derived power by FY2030

So far (2020) the progress is 9%, 18% of the way towards the target

Contribute to reduce CO2 emissions in society through the use of Fujifilm’s products and services.

Contribute to a reduction in the CO2 emissions generated by society by 90 million tons by FY2030


Fujifilm has recently increased its target for contributing to reducing CO2 emissions generated in society from 50 million tonnes to 90 million tonnes.  The aim is to achieve this by replacing conventional products with products that are more sustainable.

So far (2020) the progress is 20 million tonnes, 23% of the way towards the target


Increase the % of products certified as “Green Value Products” to 60% of group-wide sales by FY2030.

The Fujifilm Group operates the “Green Value Products” certification scheme, a mechanism for continually creating superior environmentally conscious products and services. In fiscal 2020, 30 new products were certified, bringing the total to 166 (32%), and the company increased the target for the number of products certified to 60% of group-wide sales. As such, Fujifilm is over half-way towards this target.

So far (2020) the progress is 32%, 53% of the way towards the target.

*1 Including phases such as procurement of materials, and manufacturing, transportation, usage and disposal of products.

*2 Direct emission from the company at the manufacturing stage of the product (Scope 1) and indirect emission due to the use of electricity / steam supplied from other companies (Scope 2).

Promote the recycling of resources

Reduce the amount of water the Fujifilm Group uses by 30% by FY2030 (compared to FY2013 levels)

The result in FY2020 was 16%, so the company is over half-way towards the goal of 30% by FY2030.

Contribute to the treatment of 35 million tonnes of water per year in society by FY2030

The result in FY2020 was 8 million tonnes, so the company is around 23% of the way towards the goal of 35 million tonnes by FY2030.

Reduce the amount of waste produced by the Fujifilm Group by 30% by FY2030 (compared to FY2013 levels)

Fujifilm has managed to ensure that the amount of waste produced by the Group did not increase in FY2020, despite rising revenues and an expansion of the business, but has not yet managed to make the reductions planned.  This is a key area of focus for the future.

Achieve a recycling index*3 of more than 10 by FY2030 (was 6.5 in FY2020)

Achieve a valuables conversion index*4 of more than 1 in FY2030 (was 0.63 in FY2020)

*3 Recycling index = (Recycled volume + Valuable-converted volume) / Simple disposal volume

*4 Valuables conversion index = Valuable-converted volume / Recycled volume

Address energy issues towards a decarbonised society

By contributing to the creation and widespread use of renewable energies through advanced materials, Fujifilm aims to help address energy issues and the move towards a decarbonised society. In particular, a New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organisation (NEDO) started the development of an “all solid state lithium-ion battery” – a next generation storage battery for electric vehicles, under an industry-government-academia collaboration. Fujifilm is participating in the project as one of 23 manufacturers of cars and batteries.

Ensure product and chemical safety

Under this objective, Fujifilm’s aim is to minimise the adverse effect of chemical substances on human health and the environment. In particular, Fujifilm completed the replacement of 2 of 7 chemical substances within the high priority substances for risk management, a new classification established in 2020.  In addition, Fujifilm held online briefings for business partners and achieved 90% understanding of the chemSHERPA chemical information communication system, contributing to further improvement of management accuracy for hazardous substances used in products.

Case Study: Revoria Press PC1120

Arti Grafiche Biellesi

Case Study

The Revoria Press PC1120 investment is Arti Grafiche Biellesi’s first foray into digital print technology after many years producing print on analogue presses.

Arti Grafiche Biellesi

Candelo, Italy

Revoria Press PC1120

Fujifilm has a lot of expertise in this area and we’re excited to work with them and see how our new Revoria investment can help us embark on a new chapter

Alberto Maula | Arti Grafiche Biellesi


  • Arti Grafiche Biellesi is an experienced print service provider specialising in high value commercial and packaging applications
  • Following an increase in demand for shorter runs and specialised print jobs, the company invested in Fujifilm’s Revoria Press PC1120
  • Investment marks a switch-over from offset to digital for the company
  • Arti Grafiche Biellesi previously had to outsource work requiring white ink, but can now produce it all in-house
  • The ability to print in special colours, with white ink, and on a wide range of substrates were all key reasons for the investment
  • Arti Grafiche Biellesi is confident that the investment will help the company move forward and address customer demands

Based in the Biella area of Candelo, north-western Italy, Arti Grafiche Biellesi is an experienced print service provider that specialises in a wide variety of printed products. From catalogues to brochures, and from window displays to labels and packaging, the company offers much in the way of versatility and expertise. It is also an adaptable, forward-thinking company and has recently invested in Fujifilm’s Revoria Press PC1120, 120ppm toner-based press – recognising the increase in demand for shorter runs and specialised print jobs. Arti Grafiche Biellesi believes this investment will help the company move forward.

“We print on such a diverse range of materials to produce our products,” explains Alberto Maula, owner of Arti Grafiche Biellesi. “We’re not a conventional print company; 90% of our work is textile-related packaging and packaging for fashion and luxury goods. This involves complicated print jobs on special paper – some coloured, some very thick – these may be cardboard based and have rough surfaces. The end result is products of exceptional quality, and while we have enjoyed much success with our offset equipment, we recognise digital printing to be an increasingly important factor in the evolution of the industry.

With the new Revoria press, we can do print jobs with special colours and print onto a wider variety of substrates with varying thickness. The white ink in particular is remarkable, and the silver and gold also look fantastic.

Alberto Maula | Arti Grafiche Biellese

“We’ve now made our first ever investment in digital printing equipment with Fujifilm’s Revoria Press PC1120. This machine will help us to address the needs of our customers; not just for the creation of more short run jobs, which are now becoming increasingly common, but it will help us to create some incredible print work.”

Colours and versatility were key to the investment. Maula continues: “With the new Revoria press, we can do print jobs with special colours and print onto a wider variety of substrates with varying thickness. The white ink in particular is remarkable and will open a lot of new doors for us – we have had a lot of requests for print jobs with white ink which we had to outsource, up until now. The silver and gold also look fantastic and there are many ways in which we can create some beautiful products for our customers.”

The digital printing market may be new for Arti Grafiche Biellesi, but for Alberto Maula, it’s an exciting journey to embark on: “We are known for offset – we have always been offset. But this move to digital, while mainly an unknown area for us, is full of opportunities. Fujifilm has a lot of expertise in this area and we’re excited to work with them and see how our new Revoria investment can help us embark on a new chapter.”

Taro Aoki, head of digital press solutions at Fujifilm Graphic Communications Europe says: “Arti Grafiche Biellesi knows how to print exceptional work and create some stunning visual products for its customers. We are delighted they see the Revoria Press PC1120 as a crucial part of their business moving forwards.”

Revoria Press PC1120

Find out more about the award-winning features of the Revoria Press PC1120

Discover the Revoria Press PC1120


The smart way to manage your offset plate production

Optimise your offset plate production

PLATESENSE is a programme designed to help you manage your offset plate production more efficiently, and ultimately reduce costs.

The main idea behind PLATESENSE is for Fujifilm to take responsibility for managing a number of core elements of offset plate production. Fujifilm supplies the plates when you need them, but importantly, can also take care of your waste and aluminium collection, and service and maintain your processor.

Let us

manage your

plate production


rental or swap-out
Financed via an

uplift in your

plate price


Flexible financing and lower operational costs for your pre-press

Remove the hassle of managing your pre-press department

Upgrade your CTP equipment or workflow with flexible financing

Pre-press the smart way – minimise the burden of plate production in whatever way possible

At its heart, PLATESENSE is a programme designed to minimise the burden of offset plate production in whatever way possible, so that the costs and time involved can be minimised and resources focussed elsewhere. But there are also opportunities to improve and maximise efficiencies by upgrading to a new CTP device, introducing a higher performance plate, or even changing a workflow to streamline production.

CTP equipment rental

As part of the CTP equipment rental programme, Fujifilm will install and maintain the equipment, and remove the equipment at the end of the payment period, typically five years. We will agree a deposit (normally only 3 months payment up front), and a monthly payment plan with a choice of low or high payments.

This part of the PLATESENSE programme eliminates the capital expenditure required to upgrade or invest in a new platesetter, and provides a predictable and manageable cost. At the end of the payment period, you also have the opportunity to invest in new, better equipment. It is even possible for you to upgrade the equipment during the five year programme, subject to the financial arrangement being reviewed and recalculated.

CTP equipment swap-out

If you already have a CTP device that you would like to swap out for a higher performance model, Fujifilm is able to offer an equipment swap-out programme as part of PLATESENSE. This is an extension of the rental option, with the addition of Fujifilm offering you a price for taking away your existing device.

Depending on the model that you have installed, Fujifilm will offer you a competitive buy-back deal to remove your existing engine. This value will then be offset against the monthly payment plan for a new CTP device on a rental programme (or you could take the money as cash). This can typically mean that Fujifilm will remove an existing platesetter, install a new, higher performance machine, and your initial monthly rental payments will be offset by the value of the second hand machine that is due to be removed.

A new workflow

It is important your workflow keeps pace with the changes in your business, as otherwise it can have an effect on your efficiency and job turn-around times. As part of the PLATESENSE programme, Fujifilm can make upgrading your workflow as easy as possible, allowing you to take advantage of our industry-leading XMF solution. Again, this can be financed by applying a simple uplift to the plate price.

The benefits of this capability extend beyond the obvious application of variable data personalisation. Jobs can also be printed ‘collated’ in page order to simplify and speed up the finishing process or improve the logistics for job distribution, making the production of versioned print jobs simple and straightforward.

Full managed plate production

The ultimate PLATESENSE solution is for Fujifilm to take full responsibility for all parts of your plate production. In addition to all the elements described in part 1 of the programme, Fujifilm would also take responsibility for your pre-press operators, with them effectively being outsourced to Fujifilm. This eliminates the hassle of plate production entirely, allowing you to concentrate on what matters the most, running your business.

The transition was seamless and cost us nothing, as the installation and maintenance of the equipment are also covered by the fee.

Chris Stainton | Co-owner, Typecast

Read case study


A programme built to be flexible

The important thing to remember with PLATESENSE is that it is designed to be flexible. You can combine different elements to suit your business needs.

Mix & Match

You can, for example, just rent a new CTP device and agree a monthly payment plan. Or, if your offset plate production equipment is reaching the end of its life, you can invest in a completely new suite of high performance equipment, including a new workflow, financed to suit the needs of your business and cash flow.

Flexibility for the future

The PLATESENSE programme has also been built to be flexible over time. This means it is possible to change the programme as your business changes, subject to a new financing package.

Fujifilm as your partner

The other benefit of adopting PLATESENSE is the reassurance that Fujifilm will be your long term partner to offer support and guidance along the way. You will also be able to take advantage of Fujifilm’s other industry-leading technologies as your business evolves.


Discover more

Learn more about PLATESENSE by downloading our product brochure

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Case Study: Jet Press 750S Inkjet Printer


Case Study

RGI becomes the first commercial offset printer in France to invest in Fujifilm’s Jet Press 750S Inkjet Printer, citing increased customer demand for short-run, fast turnaround work.


Saint-Thibault-des-Vignes, France

Jet Press 750S High Speed Model

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Now we can offer our customers short run jobs, in B2 format, at the same exceptionally high level of quality they’re used to, allowing us to grow our business with existing clients, and to find new ones as well.

Jean-François Le Borgne, Associate Director | RGI


  • RGI produces a huge range of applications for a wide variety of clients and has developed a deserved reputation for exceptional quality and outstanding customer service
  • Despite a long existing plate supply relationship with Fujifilm, RGI tested the market and compared multiple options before selecting the Jet Press 750S HSM Inkjet Printer for its first major digital investment
  • The quality of the Jet Press was a significant factor in making the decision
  • Ease-of-use was also a major reason behind the decision, with the Jet Press able to fit seamlessly into the existing offset environment with no major changes to processes required
  • The investment will enable RGI to grow its business with existing clients and find new ones as well

It’s nice to be able to develop our partnership with Fujifilm, but we picked the Jet Press 750S High Speed Model on its merits, particularly the excellent quality and the ease of use

Jean-François Le Borgne, Associate Director | RGI

Founded in the mid-1980s, imprimerie RGI is a commercial print business in Saint-Thibault-des-Vignes, east of Paris. For nearly 40 years the company has been producing a huge range of applications for a wide variety of clients and, over this time, it has developed a deserved reputation for exceptional quality and outstanding customer service.

In early 2022 the company decided to make its first digital print investment and, after carefully considering all the options on the market, they installed a Jet Press 750S Inkjet Printer from Fujifilm.

“Covid-19 changed everything,” says Jean-François Le Borgne, Associate Director, RGI. “It changed the way we work, and it has really turned our industry upside down. We were already seeing a market trend towards targeted, high quality, short run print jobs and the pandemic has massively accelerated that trend.”

Despite an existing, strong relationship with Fujifilm, having been a plate customer for the past ten years, the company directors were determined to carefully consider all their digital press investment options to ensure they picked the right option for their business. “It’s nice to be able to develop our partnership with Fujifilm, but we picked the Jet Press 750S High Speed Model on its merits,” Le Borgne continues. “Its capabilities quickly won us over, particularly the excellent quality and the ease of use. We’re an offset print business and the Jet Press fits seamlessly into that environment with minimal changes required to our processes.”

Jet Press 750S High Speed Model

Find out more about why Jet Press 750S High Speed Model is regarded as ‘the new standard in print’

Discover the Jet Press 750S High Speed Model

Revoria E1 Series

Advanced, high quality monochrome print production

Enhanced productivity on demand

A versatile and advanced range of printers designed to produce the highest quality monochrome print

The Revoria E1 Series is able to produce the highest quality monochrome print consistently and reliably at speeds of up to 136ppm. Capable of continuous operation, and with a wide variety of feeding and finishing options, it will deliver a huge range of high quality monochrome finished print.

Up to



2400 x 2400 dpi

print quality
Up to



Why Revoria E1 Series?

Stable and reliable production at speeds of up to 136 pages per minute

Superb, high resolution print quality of 2400 x 2400 dpi

Ultra-versatile, with a wide range of paper weights, feeding and finishing options

Request a print sample

See the quality you could achieve with the Revoria E1 Series

Flexible feeding and finishing options

Supported feeding and finishing options include the insertion of a cover, three-sided trim, and saddle stapled booklets with a square back

Your full support package

Our expert team takes time to understand your unique business requirements and goals for print-on-demand service and support.

Download to find out more

A new range of Revoria digital presses from Fujifilm

Revoria is no ordinary range. It comes from Fujifilm – a company with a deep understanding of both offset and digital print, a long history of delivering industry-leading, sustainable print solutions and a culture of honest and open long term partnerships. With an ambitious plan to launch new toner digital presses as part of this range, this is just the beginning.

Stable and reliable production

Stable paper transport

Wide turning angles in the paper path mean that the paper transport is fast and stable. In addition, for 2 sided printing, a vertical paper inversion mechanism reduces curves in the paper path to minimise paper jams. Finally, as the EA-Eco LGK toner fuses at lower temperatures, less impact is caused by the heat generated by the fused paper on the transfer mechanism, minimising paper transport issues.

Air suction feeder with enhanced paper handling capabilities

The air suction feeder uses a small amount of air to easily separate and deliver each sheet efficiently. This improves the feed performance of many types of paper, for example paper with a lot of dust, pre-printed paper using powder, paper with an uneven texture, and coated paper that is prone to sticking. In addition, a stable feed is achieved at high speeds for various paper weights, from light to heavyweight, and from small sizes to large.

Continuous mass printing

High capacity feeders and stackers make continuous mass printing possible. In addition, cartridge replacement and paper refills can be done while printing is in progress, with a single high capacity toner cartridge yielding up to 71,500 pages.

No more multifeed and mixed blank pages

The multifeed detection sensor monitors the paper flow to prevent the feeding of multiple sheets of paper. If a multifeed is detected, printing is interrupted to prevent the insertion of a blank page.

Superb, high resolution print quality of 2400 x 2400 dpi

The heart of the printer uses Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers as a light source. They enable printing at an ultra-high resolution of 2400 × 2400 dpi by producing images simultaneously with 32 laser beams.

EA-Eco LGK toner for high image quality

The EA-Eco LGK toner, with extremely small particle sizes of 6.5 microns, allows the reproduction of smooth, fine gradations in photographs, uniform densities and very fine text to be achieved. It also produces easy-to-read printed text with less glare which is also easy on your eyes.

Advanced transfer unit for consistent transport speed

Designed to prevent fluctuations in paper transport speed, the stable drive speed of the transfer belt has been achieved by increasing the roll diameter, along with the automatic adjustment of contact pressure between transfer belt and drum. These measures ensure consistent transfer speeds of all paper types.

Ultra-high precision registration

Image Registration Control Technology (IReCT) precisely measures the position of sheets running at high speeds, and produces real time corrections to the poor registration of printed images or distortion on each sheet to ensure the highest possible quality.

Maintain print quality with easy adjustments

To maintain print quality, easy adjustments can be made with the Simple Image Quality Adjustment (SIQA) process by just printing and scanning the calibration chart. This ensures consistent print quality with properly adjusted print position, perpendicularity, skew and magnification on both the front and back sides.

Edge enhancements improve image quality

Higher image quality has been implemented with ‘Edge Enhancement’ technology that fixes the jaggedness on the edge of thin lines and text outlines, along with ‘Adjust Invert Text/Line Weight’ technology that fixes thickened/blurred text.

A wider variety of screening choices

Various screen settings, including an FM screen that suppresses moire, are are now available.

Flexible and versatile media handling

A wide range of paper weights, feeding options and finishing systems ensure the most versatile production.

Media handling capabilities

The Revoria E1 Series can handle a wide range of paper weights from lightweight paper of 52 gsm to heavyweight paper of 350 gsm. The upper limit of heavyweight paper has been extended thanks to the paper path design, and by employing a control mechanism that automatically switches fusing roll pressure between two levels. Fine control has also been achieved to extend the range of supported coated and speciality papers.

Paper sizes ranging from A6 to 330.2 × 488 mm are available. Full bleed printing on SRA3 (320 × 450mm) sheets is also possible to create brochures or leaflets that need to have bleed. In addition, banner printing on long paper of up to 660.4 mm is also available. This means new print applications such as powerful panoramic posters are now possible.

Printing with the correct settings for each media type

Up to 100 paper types can be registered with ‘Custom Paper Settings’. This allows configuration settings such as the alignment, fold position and fusing temperature to be set according to the paper being used, to maximise image quality.

Flexible feeding and finishing options

A wide range of feeding and finishing options make it possible to build flexible printing systems that allow many different types of printed brochures to be produced inline. Supported options include cover insertion, three-sided trim, and saddle stapled booklets with square back.

Advanced software

The Revoria E1 Series incorporates advanced software and server infrastructure to support high speed, high quality production.

Image data processing to maximise print engine performance

The advanced print server delivers high speeds and superb image quality by utilising image processing technologies cultivated in the development of colour production printers. High resolution and smooth screen images of 2400 x 2400 dpi are generated on the device with Fujifilm’s unique HQ digital screen technologies.

In addition, our unique intermediate data format streamlines RIP processing. In conventional RIP processing, calculations take a long time due to the large data volumes. However, Fujifilm’s new RIP process algorithms automatically identify objects such as text and images, and process them in the right format, greatly reducing the processing time without degrading image quality.

High speed, large volume printing of variable data

The high speed, large volume printing of personalised documents, including direct mail, bills, statements, etc., is made possible by using industry standard PPML, PDF/VT-1, and PDF/VT-2 languages for variable data printing.

Important print data provided by customers can be protected from data breaches by being securely erased from the print server so that the data cannot be recovered even with data recovery software. In addition, data in the printer can be encrypted or securely erased to prevent unauthorised access.

Support for Adobe® PDF Print Engine

The Adobe® PDF Print Engine directly rips PDF data. Even a PDF file with transparency or layers can be processed, and blur, drop shadow and glow effects can be used with ease.

JDF workflow

JDF, which is a communication and protocol standard in the printing industry, is supported. This means that it is possible to integrate the E1 Series printers into production workflow systems to build a hybrid workflow for both offset and digital printing.

Discover more…

Learn more about the Revoria E1 Series by downloading our product brochure

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Revoria Press PC1120

Delivering creative print that drives business growth

10 colours, 6 stations, unlimited potential

Unleash your creative power

The Revoria Press PC1120 features an advanced print engine with 10 colours, including gold, silver, white, pink & clear, easily configurable in six before and after CMYK stations. With industry leading print quality, incredible media & finishing versatility, and the largest colour gamut, it is no surprise this award-winning press is taking the market by storm.

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Why the Revoria Press PC1120?

Special colours and finishes can be printed under or over CMYK in one pass, for the ultimate creativity

A unique combination of feeding, folding, trimming and booklet making options for complete finishing flexibility

Produces ultra-reliable, high quality, wide gamut print at 120 ppm on a wide variety of substrate types


The Revoria Press PC1120 recently won the Keypoint Intelligence BLI Pro Award as “Outstanding High-Volume CMYK+ Production Device”

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An advanced new Revoria digital press from Fujifilm

Revoria is no ordinary range. It comes from Fujifilm – a company with a deep understanding of both offset and digital print, a long history of delivering industry-leading, sustainable print solutions and a culture of honest and open long term partnerships. With an ambitious plan to launch new toner digital presses as part of this range, this is just the beginning.

Fire your imagination with six colours

Imagine up to six colour stations online at the same time with speciality toners that can include white, gold, silver, clear, pink, and textured finishes. Then add the possibility of printing one of each both before and after CMYK laydown for an infinite number of creative possibilities. The Revoria Press PC1120 is the only press that can offer such flexibility with the minimum of fuss and downtime. Other platforms require multiple passes through the press and swapping colours between stations to achieve the same output.

Defining a new standard of print quality for a toner press

Precision toner for clarity and definition

Super EA-Eco toner* also has one of the smallest toner particle sizes in the world. This makes it possible to reproduce small characters and thin lines more sharply, render halftones and gradients with less graininess, and reproduce dot shapes more faithfully, delivering superior print quality.

* All toners except white are EA-Eco toners

Smooth gradation correction

Super smooth gradation with 1200 x 1200 dpi and 10-bit processing, 4 times greater than before, allows smoother, sharper, clearer quality to be produced than ever before.

Edge enhancement improves ability to print fine lines and text

Smoothing on the edge of an image corrects jaggedness of halftone lines and text.

Feeding and finishing for whatever job comes next

The Revoria Press PC1120 can be configured with a unique combination of feeding options including a new air suction feeder that is also available for feeding banner sheets up to 1.2m. A range of folding, trimming and booklet making options are now supplemented by a new static eliminator, essential for handling films and other synthetic media. With such a comprehensive range of options, the Revoria Press PC1120 can be configured with just the right options for a specific project or expanded to take on whatever type of job comes next.

New Static Eliminator module keeps synthetic media moving

Adding white to the Revoria Press PC1120 opens up the potential to print on films for stickers, labels, window graphics and very light stocks. Without the efficient removal of static build up after the fusing process, synthetic sheets can stick together, making them difficult to handle. The new Static Eliminator module makes finishing easier and more reliable, using a two stage process that can be adjusted precisely to suit the media, including some papers, that would otherwise be hard to process.

New Air Suction Feeder handles banners too

Accurate and reliable paper feeding of a range of paper types and even difficult substrates is a must for an efficient print on demand environment. The Revoria Press PC1120 Air /Suction Feeder is an offset-like feeding mechanism that adds a new level of control for light weight to heavy weight paper, small or large, even banner sized sheets. The shuttle head transport draws up the paper and separates sheets that would normally be prone to sticking.

Revoria Flow PC21 – Fujifilm’s advanced imaging software

There are no extra cost modules to purchase with Revoria Flow print server – everything you need to produce and manage stunning print is included: unlimited remote clients, a powerful imposition editor, advanced colour management, spot colour matching, document composition tools, preflight reports, a raster image viewer, and a production timeline view are just some of the features.

Unique AI based photo quality optimisation

Revoria Flow PC21 allows you to automatically improve and optimise supplied images. The optimisation process uses AI built from Fujifilm’s many years of photography and imaging knowledge to identify and adjust specific scenes automatically. Even poor quality images that are too dark, too bright, backlit, or with poor skin or sky colours, can be automatically corrected and printed beautifully.

Fiery PC11 – Designed to help maintain colour quality


Add value to your prints

The Fiery PC11 software makes it easy to take advantage of the power of the PC1120’s 6 colour capability to deliver premium print effects. The Fiery Smart Estimator also estimates speciality toner costs before having to print a single page.


Automatic PDF Enhancement

Fiery Jobexpert™ is a new technology that analyses incoming PDF files and dynamically chooses the optimalprint settings to achieve the highest quality white optimising processing time.

Typically, it would be difficult to achieve a small run order of special colours, but with the Revoria PC1120, we are now able to do just that. All of our customers have been amazed with the quality and turnaround times.

Tiago Yu | Floricolor

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It’s moments like this that are truly rewarding and demonstrate the value that we can provide to customers, in combination with Fujifilm, our long-standing partner.

Henning Rose | Wegner

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Fujifilm has a lot of expertise in this area and we’re excited to work with them and see how our new Revoria investment can help us embark on a new chapter.

Alberto Maula | Arti Grafiche Biellesi

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See the quality you could achieve with the Revoria Press PC1120


Discover unlimited creative possibilities

The Revoria Press PC1120 combines capability and simplicity to help you deliver a stunning range of creative print without the inconvenience of workarounds that you could experience with other presses. Combine multiple effects and enhancements on press to achieve more in a single pass. Enhance your productivity, create more value, deliver business growth.

Highlights are a clear winner

Pick out names and headlines with clear, perfectly registered clear toner to add an extra dimension to personalised print. Creative use of a clear layer adds a touch of luxury when adding subtle patterns and backgrounds too.

Add pink to enhance results

Skin tones of any hue are smoother with noticeably reduced grain when you add pink toner to the mix. Fujifilm’s AI expertise automatically manages the balance between cyan and pink to give perfect results every time. Pink also adds a wider range of printable colours, increasing the gamut in purple, orange and yellow shades.

Taller, wider, longer banner printing

A 1.2m print capability extends your ability to offer flags and banners, vertical calendars, book covers and wraps, packaging slip covers and more creative gatefold, z-fold and concertina fold pieces.

Be brilliant with high opacity white

The Revoria Press PC1120’s ability to print high opacity white is essential for window clings, labels and stickers on transparent media and opens up a world of possibilities on darker paper and board.

Add silver and gold to the mix

Metallic toners are not limited to highlights alone. Mix silver and gold with other colours for unlimited combinations and a multitude of new colours.

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Jet Press 750S HSM

Powerful fourth generation B2 sheet-fed digital inkjet press

The new standard in print

Two presses in one: Ultra high quality and Ultra high speed

The Jet Press 750S High Speed Model will help you double the number of jobs you print digitally while also giving you the flexibility to produce short-run, added value digital print with better and more consistent quality than offset.

Up to

5,400 sheets/hr

High Performance
Up to

3,600 sheets/hr

High Quality
Uses standard


offset paper

Why Jet Press 750S High Speed Model?

Double digital print volumes with lower ink consumption and higher productivity

Produce ultra-high quality, high value digital print to stand out from the crowd

Benefit from standard B2 format, with up-time and reliability comparable to offset

Paper cooling
New Samba printheads
Paper feed
Optimised drying system
Nozzle correction
Variable data scanning
Sheet stacking

Sustainable printing

Digital print technology for a circular economy

In an age of heightened environmental concerns and ‘net zero’ carbon reduction targets, find out how commercial printing can be more sustainable

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Right for your business?

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Request a print sample to see just how good the Jet Press is

A secure investment in a proven fourth generation digital printing system

With over 250 installations worldwide, the Jet Press 750S High Speed Model features Fujifilm’s Samba printheads, which power some of the leading digital systems on the market, and benefits from over 10 years of evolutionary development.

A new standard in digital print quality

The Jet Press 750S High Speed Model takes the print quality produced by a digital printing system to new heights thanks to a combination of fundamental Fujifilm technologies. The end result is stunning, vibrant colours, superb skin tones, extraordinary fine text and line detail, and incredible flat tints, all produced on standard coated or uncoated offset paper.

However, the perception of print quality is not only limited to the technical specifications. There is a tactile, emotional and physical element to a piece of high quality print that sets it apart. The Jet Press is the only digital press that delivers on both the technical and the intangible qualities that buyers of offset print are so used to, setting it apart from any other press.

In many cases, Jet Press owners end up printing more on the press as their customers love the quality so much, they specify their work to be printed only on the Jet Press.

Groundbreaking productivity up to 5,400 sheets / hr

With a productivity of 3,600 sheets per hour in High Quality mode and 5,400 sheets per hour in High Performance mode, the Jet Press 750S High Speed Model is quite simply the fastest 4 colour, B2 sheetfed inkjet digital press available.

This means the Jet Press allows you to take on more work and get more sheets on the floor than with multiple other digital presses. So if you produce a lot of short or medium run print, the Jet Press will revolutionise your business, improve the service you offer your customers and enhance your competitive edge.

And as the Jet Press is upgradeable, you could start with the Jet Press 750S Standard Model, and upgrade to the High Speed Model as your business evolves, giving you the ultimate flexibility.

Overall productivity is governed by more than just the top-line press speed. Job productivity can be defined as the combined effect of the following:

1. Pre-press preparation

The Jet Press 750S High Speed Model eliminates all the preparation and set-up time of an offset press. There are no plates to produce, no platesetters or processors to maintain, no make readies, no run up to colour, no waste sheets and virtually no pressroom consumables. It operates in the most efficient way possible – just send the PDF to the press and print.

2. Press up-time

The second element critical in determining overall press productivity is the up-time or time the press is available to print. The up-time of the Jet Press 750S High Speed Model is unprecedented for a digital press, with reliability figures comparable to an offset press, as it is built on an offset chassis with ultra-reliable paper handling technologies, combined with next generation Samba printheads. Up-time figures above 90% are typically quoted by current Jet Press customers.

3. Press print speed

The Jet Press 750S High Speed Model is able to transition between 3,600 sph High Quality mode at 1,200 x1,200 dpi and 5,400 sph High Performance mode at 1,200 x 600 dpi incredibly quickly. It is the first digital press to offer a practical digital alternative that challenges the capabilities of offset to produce a broad range of print affordably and at comparable speeds.

4. On the floor productivity

The final element that determines productivity is the time required to take the printed sheets and finish them. The Jet Press 750S High Speed Model has a number of features that help optimise this process.

Collated printing: Whatever the application, the Jet Press can print all sheets in collated order, removing the need to handle stacks of different sections.

Optimised sheet dryness: Due to the new drying mechanism, more print jobs emerge from the press dry. With the wide variety of paper types and thicknesses that can be printed using the Jet Press, the new drying system means more types of paper and more print jobs are dry when they emerge from the press.

Full speed, double-sided variable data handling

One of the major advantages of the Jet Press 750S High Speed Model is its ability to handle variable data, with the press using a barcode system to guarantee front and back page matching. The barcode is printed in the non-image area of every sheet immediately after the paper leaves the input sheet stacker. Once the first side has been printed, the sheets are turned over and loaded into the sheet stacker once again.

The press reads the barcode on every sheet as it leaves the stacker and downloads the correct page information before it prints the second side (in less than two seconds), guaranteeing front and back page matching.

The benefits of this capability extend beyond the obvious application of variable data personalisation. Jobs can also be printed ‘collated’ in page order to simplify and speed up the finishing process or improve the logistics for job distribution, making the production of versioned print jobs simple and straightforward.

Exceptional environmental performance

There are a number of significant environmental benefits with the Jet Press 750S High Speed Model. These include a reduction in raw materials, hazardous pressroom consumables and paper waste, along with the complete elimination of the plate production process. All these benefits mean that the Jet Press has a much lower carbon footprint than an equivalent offset press.

Reduction in raw materials and paper waste: The advantage of digital print in terms of optimising the number of printed copies produced and minimising the over-runs is a key benefit of the Jet Press. In addition, the number of make readies is also considerably reduced. On some short-run jobs on older traditional sheet-fed presses, the number of make ready sheets can represent a significant percentage of the total run, up to 25% in some cases. This problem is eliminated with the Jet Press as the make ready waste is virtually zero.

Elimination of plate production, water and waste: The Jet Press eliminates all the elements involved in the production of plates. This includes the plates, platesetters, processors and associated chemistry, water and waste. Each one of these elements of a plate production system has a significant carbon footprint in terms of its life cycle, from design, manufacture, transport and use to eventual disposal.

Reduction of hazardous pressroom consumables: The Jet Press also removes the need for a number of the pressroom consumables used on a typical offset press, for example founts, sprays and potentially harmful VOC washes, and of course significantly reduces the requirement for water. The Jet Press requires only two consumables in addition to the water-based ink: a wash for the inkjet printheads and the Rapid Coagulation Primer solution applied to the paper prior to printing.

Lower carbon footprint: Fujifilm carries out a life cycle carbon footprint analysis for all the products it manufactures, a process which takes into account product design, manufacture, transport, use and eventual disposal. As a result, the company estimates that the carbon footprint of the Jet Press 750S High Speed Model compared to an equivalent B2 sheet-fed press (internal estimate) is approximately 25% less.

Sheets can be easily recycled: The environmental performance of the Jet Press 750S High Speed Model is further enhanced by the ability of sheets printed by the press to be easily recycled. With normal water-based inks, ink pigments can sink into the structure of the paper, making them much more difficult to deink. The VIVIDIA HS ink pigments used on the Jet Press do not sink into the structure of the paper, making them much easier to remove during the deinking and recycling process. The use of the Rapid Coagulation Primer in High Quality mode enhances deinkability even further.

Normal water based inks

Jet Press in High Quality mode

Excellent versatility to print on a variety of substrates

Print on standard coated & uncoated offset paper: The Jet Press 750S High Speed Model is unlike many other digital presses in that it can use an assortment of standard offset paper, removing the need to use specialised coated digital paper on many occasions. This means, for example, that a printer can take advantage of current paper stocks, simplifying inventory and reducing costs. But it also means that jobs printed on the Jet Press are potentially more cost-effective than those printed on other digital presses, as the paper is less expensive.

Finishing solutions: Jet Press printed sheets have been tested and found to be compatible with a wide range of analogue and digital coating, foiling, lamination and cutting solutions. An automatic bridge is also available to connect to online coating solutions.

Support for heavier weight folding carton stock: The Jet Press can be modified to accommodate heavier weight folding carton stock from 0.2 – 0.6mm in thickness. This makes it ideal to print short run packaging applications.

Print on 90 micron light-weight stock:

The Jet Press can print on 90 micron standard offset paper, and so is ideal for applications like light-weight fold-out maps or leaflets.

Print on 340 micron heavy-weight stock:

The Jet Press can print on 340 micron stock, and so is ideal for applications like folders and even promotional packaging boxes. For heavier-duty folding carton applications, the press can be modified to take board up to 600 microns thick.

Its capabilities quickly won us over, particularly the excellent quality and the ease of use. We’re an offset print business and now we can offer our customers short run jobs, in B2 format, at the same exceptionally high level of quality they’re used to.

Jean-François Le Borgne | Associate Director, RGI

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Print a more diverse range of digital jobs

The Jet Press 750S High Speed Model is able to print on a wide range of substrates. As well as coated and uncoated offset paper, the press can print on carton board, photo canvas and some plastic materials. As a result, the opportunity to use the Jet Press to diversify and open up new markets makes it an exciting proposition.

Variable data direct mail

The Jet Press 750S High Speed Model features a barcode system and high powered data servers to print every page on the fly, guaranteeing front and back page matching every time.

Photography portfolios

High quality photography portfolios and photobooks are perfect for the Jet Press, with the wider colour gamut able to deliver breathtaking images.

Book covers

The Jet Press 750S High Speed Model is perfect for single sided book jackets, with the consistent high quality and wide colour gamut helping books stand out from the crowd.

Coffee table books

The ultra-high quality, format size and ability to print on standard offset paper make the Jet Press 750S High Speed Model ideal for the production of short run coffee table books.


With the ability to print on a wide variety of paper, high quality calendars up to B2 in size can be created quickly and easily, with personalisation an added bonus.

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Learn more about Jet Press 750S High Speed Model by downloading our product brochure

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