Casestudie: Revoria Press PC1120

EA Printing


EA Printing kijkt naar de toekomst met investering in Fujifilm Revoria Press PC1120

EA Printing

Leicestershire, Verenigd Koninkrijk

Revoria Press PC1120

Leestijd 5 minutes

In Fujifilm, we now have the support of a tight-knit, knowledgeable and highly professional team to help us.

Matt Saulsbury | EA Printing

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  • EA Printing investeert in de Revoria Press PC1120 waarmee het bedrijf zijn drukwerkaanbod kan uitbreiden voor klanten.
  • Mede-eigenaar Matt Saulsbury ziet de aanschaf van de digitale pers en de samenwerking met Fujifilm als positieve stappen voor de toekomst van het bedrijf.
  • De digitale drukkerij werkt voor heel veel grote mondiale merken en biedt een breed scala aan diensten aan.
  • De pers heeft een geavanceerde printengine voor 10 kleuren, waaronder goud, zilver, wit, roze & vernis, gemakkelijk te configureren in zes stations.
  • Afgezien van de optie voor bijzondere kleuren heeft EA Printing een verbetering waargenomen in productiviteit en kwaliteit in vergelijk met de vorige pers.
  • EA Printing plant open dagen waarop ontwerpbureaus het creatieve potentieel kunnen bewonderen van de bijzondere kleuren en effecten die het bedrijf nu kan bieden.

EA Printing uit Leicestershire is een relatief klein bedrijf maar werkt voor heel veel grote mondiale merken, zowel rechtstreeks als via creatieve ontwerpbureaus. EA Printing biedt een breed scala aan diensten, van digitaal drukwerk tot grootformaat, boekdruk, stanswerk en reliëfwerk, en het is gespecialiseerd in complexe, conceptuele projecten die klanten vrijwel nergens anders kunnen onderbrengen. Omdat ze een versleten tonerpers moesten vervangen, overwogen de zeer praktisch ingestelde eigenaren Matt Saulsbury en David Kennedy een aantal opties, maar kozen uiteindelijk voor de Revoria Press PC1120.

Saulsbury zegt hierover: “We hadden nog nooit zaken gedaan met Fujifilm, omdat ze tot voor kort niet rechtstreeks tonerprinters verhandelden in het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Het is natuurlijk algemeen bekend dat door Fujifilm gemaakte digitale tonerpersen al langer bestaan, we maken er zelf immers al een aantal jaren gebruik van. Ik was al langer onder de indruk van de technologie, dus toen ik uit de vakpers vernam dat Fujifilm zijn tonerpersen in het VK rechtstreeks ging aanbieden, was ik gelijk geïnteresseerd. Ik ken de kwaliteit van hun producten en vond het een goed idee om rechtstreeks met hen samen te werken.

“Uiteindelijk was het een Fujifilm-verkoper die de bal aan het rollen bracht. Hij kwam vertellen over grootformaatpersen, maar het gesprek ging al snel over Revoria en dat overtuigde ons.

“We hebben nog een paar andere opties overwogen, waaronder bij onze bestaande leverancier, maar uiteindelijk besloten we om ons verder te ontwikkelen en van de gelegenheid gebruik te maken om te investeren in een pers die ons aanbod kan verbreden en ons bedrijf kan laten groeien. Toen we dat besluit hadden genomen, lag de keuze voor de hand.”

De Revoria Press PC1120 van EA Printing werd eind december 2023 geïnstalleerd en vanaf begin januari direct in gebruik genomen. “Het was meteen een gekkenhuis,” vervolgt Saulsbury. “Nog voordat we volledig waren ingewerkt in het gebruik van de machine kwamen er al opdrachten binnen. We waren heel blij met de witoptie, aangezien we tegenwoordig veel verzoeken krijgen om donkere of gekleurde plaatmaterialen te bedrukken. We zagen ook direct de mogelijkheden van de goud- en zilveropties waarmee we hoogwaardige opdrachten kunnen binnenhalen met metalliceffecten. Maar tot onze verbazing hebben we tot nu toe het meeste baat gehad van de rozeoptie, die ons al een aantal opdrachten voor wenskaarten heeft opgeleverd. Het creatieve ontwerpbureau dat de wenskaarten uitbesteedde, zocht een drukkerij die fluorescerende kleuren kan produceren. Het roze dat de PC1120 kan printen, was precies wat ze zochten.

“Het andere voordeel van het rozestation, vanuit een veel praktischer oogpunt, is dat we nu veel meer pantonekleuren kunnen printen dan voorheen. Er zijn altijd klanten die bij ons komen met de vraag of we een enigszins ongebruikelijke kleur kunnen printen. Met de extra roze toner kunnen we nu veel meer kleuren printen dan voorheen.”

Nu het bedrijf zoveel meer te bieden heeft, plant EA Printing een aantal open dagen waarop ontwerpbureaus het creatieve potentieel kunnen bewonderen van de bijzondere kleuren en effecten die het bedrijf nu kan bieden. Afgezien van de bijzondere kleuren haalt Saulsbury ook de verbeterde productiviteit en kwaliteit aan die ze ervaren in vergelijking met hun vorige pers.

“De kwaliteit heeft me verrast,” bekent Saulsbury. “Ik wist dat we een stap vooruit zouden zetten ten opzichte van wat we hadden, maar dat die stap zo groot zou zijn had ik niet verwacht. Dat was goed te merken en sommige klanten zeiden het ook.

In deze uitdagende markt heeft Saulsbury vertrouwen in de vooruitzichten van zijn bedrijf en ziet hij zijn nieuwe investering en samenwerking met Fujifilm als positieve stappen richting de toekomst.


Oplossingen voor bedrijfsdrukwerk

Eén partner voor het beste in inkjet en toner. Ontdek ons volledige assortiment digitale persen, evenals artikelen en verhalen van klanten die profiteren van hun investeringen in digitale technologie van Fujifilm.

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Casestudie: Jet Press 750S HSM, Revoria PC1120, Revoria E1 Series

Impress Print Services


Impress Print Services breidt mogelijkheden uit en verbetert efficiëntie met drievoudige investering in digitale printoplossingen van Fujifilm

Impress Print Services

Walton-on-Thames, UK

Jet Press 750S HSM, Revoria Press PC1120, Revoria E1 Series

Leestijd 5 minutes

The Fujifilm machines do what we need them to do straight away, with minimal downtime, enhancing our overall business productivity and efficiency.

Michael Kille | Impress Print Services

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  • Toonaangevende Britse drukkerij breidt mogelijkheden uit en verbetert operationele efficiëntie met een combinatie van investeringen.
  • De digitale printoplossingen bestaan uit de Fujifilm Jet Press 750S High Speed Model, Revoria Press PC1120 en de Revoria Press E1.
  • Met de nieuwe persen kan Impress nieuwe markten verkennen, zoals verpakkingen in kleine oplagen (op de Jet Press), en kan het B1-formaat offsetwerk dat voorheen werd uitbesteed nu zelf produceren (op de Revoria-persen).
  • Impress heeft duurzaamheid hoog in het vaandel staan. Bij de overweging voor de aanschaf hechtte Impress veel belang aan de algehele milieuprestaties van de nieuwe machines.
  • De kanalen voor bijzondere kleuren op de Revoria PC1120 hebben Impress Print Services echt geholpen om bepaalde soorten werk aan te houden. Het bedrijf is blij met de kwaliteit en productiviteit van de monochroom Revoria E1.

Toonaangevende Britse drukkerij breidt mogelijkheden uit en verbetert operationele efficiëntie met de gecombineerde aanschaf van de Fujifilm Jet Press 750S High Speed Model, Revoria Press PC1120 en de Revoria Press E1.

Nadat een van de digitale persen van Impress aan het einde van zijn levensduur was gekomen, onderzocht het team verschillende opties in de markt. Michael Kille, directeur van Impress Print Services: “De kwaliteit die we produceerden op onze oude digitale machine was goed, maar we hadden wel wat aan te merken op de productiviteit. Nu doen de machines van Fujifilm direct wat we willen, met minimale stilstand, waardoor onze algehele bedrijfsproductiviteit en efficiëntie zijn verbeterd. Daarnaast zijn onze productiemogelijkheden en ons aanbod aanzienlijk verruimd door de toevoeging van digitaal printwerk op B2-formaat, een aanvulling op ons offsetaanbod.

“Daarnaast,” vervolgt Kille, “hebben de kanalen voor bijzondere kleuren op de Revoria PC1120 ons echt geholpen om bepaalde soorten B1-formaat werk aan te houden dat voorheen in offset werd gedrukt. We zijn dan ook blij met de kwaliteit en productiviteit van de monochroom Revoria E1.”

Met de nieuwe persen kan Impress nieuwe markten verkennen, zoals verpakkingen in kleine oplagen (op de Jet Press), en kan het B1-formaat offsetwerk dat voorheen werd uitbesteed nu zelf produceren (op de Revoria-persen).

Impress is een bedrijf dat duurzaamheid hoog in het vaandel heeft staan, zoals blijkt uit hun inzet voor het recyclen van materialen, doorlopende duurzaamheidsprogramma en het benutten van zonne-energie voor de eigen energiebehoefte. Bij de overweging voor de aanschaf hechtte Impress veel belang aan de algehele milieuprestaties van de nieuwe machines.

Michael zegt hierover: “Sinds de Fujifilm-machines er staan, is ons stroomverbruik aanzienlijk afgenomen. Vooral met de efficiëntie van de Jet Press 750S, de mogelijkheid voor het printen op B2-formaat en de verbeterde productiviteit, in combinatie met een soepele workflow en het ontbreken van storingen, is onze verspilling en stilstand verminderd en is de uitvoer aanzienlijk toegenomen.”

Závěrem dodává: „Spolupráce se spol. Fujifilm během procesu prodeje a instalace byla fantastickou zkušeností, a její pracovníci při poskytování průběžné podpory vždy reagují. Fujifilm patří vskutku mezi špičkové dodavatele v oboru. Díky spol. Fujifilm nyní máme to nejlepší z inkoustového i tonerového tisku a podnik, který funguje produktivněji a efektivněji než kdykoli předtím.“

Taro Aoki, hoofd digitale persen van Fujifilm Graphic Communications Europa zegt hierover: “Fujifilm is uniek omdat het bedrijf het beste biedt van zowel toner- als inkjetoplossingen. Het loont altijd om samen te werken met bedrijven die het enorme potentieel van de combinatie van deze nieuwe technologieën inzien. Maar onze toonaangevende technologieën zijn slechts de helft van het verhaal. We zijn minstens zo trots op de service die we na de installatie bieden om bedrijven verder te helpen en door te groeien. Deze gedurfde investering van Impress is nog maar het begin. We kijken ernaar uit om de komende maanden en jaren samen te werken om hun aanbod en activiteiten uit te breiden en de voordelen van de beste toner- en inkjettechnologieën over te dragen aan hun klanten.”

Oplossingen voor bedrijfsdrukwerk

Eén partner voor het beste in inkjet en toner. Ontdek ons volledige assortiment digitale persen, evenals artikelen en verhalen van klanten die profiteren van hun investeringen in digitale technologie van Fujifilm.

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The Best of Inkjet and Toner

Two digital print technologies. Multiple solutions. One partner.

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Leestijd 7 minutes

In the commercial print market today, analogue printing processes, especially lithographic offset, still rule in terms of the volume and value of materials printed. However, that volume and value are falling as demand rises for personalised materials printed on demand and in smaller but more frequent numbers. These demands can only be met by digital print.

Market researcher Smithers tells us that in 2032 digital print will be worth $230.5 billion, accounting for almost a quarter of the global value of all print and printed packaging. This is a little under 3.0 trillion A4 prints, an increase of 68.6% on the 2022 market. [1] And within that figure for digital printing, inkjet accounted for 61.4% of digital print value with 62.4% of volume in 2022. This will increase to 74.1% of value and 77.5% of volume in 2032.[2]

As the commercial print sector continues to digitise, businesses have a choice when it comes to the best digital print technologies to take them forward. For some, the speed and quality of inkjet will be paramount, while for others, the added flexibility of toner and the ability to print special colours and special effects for creative applications will be of greater utility.

For many, a combination of both technologies will be the answer.

Fujifilm is unique in offering best-in-class solutions and decades of experience in the development of both inkjet and toner technologies, so whichever digital path a company takes, Fujifilm has both the product portfolio and the expertise to support.

Furthermore, Fujifilm’s analogue print heritage means that it understands the process and challenges of introducing digital print technologies into a business in a way that digital-only rivals cannot.

When all these factors are considered, there is no better partner in the market to support with digital transformation.

The Fujifilm inkjet story

The story of Fujifilm and inkjet technology is a story in many parts. There are the printheads; the UV and water-based inkjet inks, and the sophisticated integration and optimisation technologies that tie it all together. Fujifilm inkjet technologies power printing solutions like the Jet Press 750S, which has been setting the standard for quality and reliability in digital print production in the commercial sector for a decade, as well as a range of inkjet production solutions for the sign and display and label and packaging sectors.


Fujifilm Dimatix is one of the most recognisable and respected brands in inkjet printhead development. The company began in 1984 as Spectra, Inc., a very early pioneer of industrial inkjet printheads. In 2005 it changed its name to Dimatix before being acquired by Fujifilm the following year. Fujifilm itself is renowned for its history of innovation, particularly the way in which it rapidly diversified when the bottom fell out of the photographic film market in the early 2000s. That drive to innovate has continued apace, and the acquisition of Dimatix was part of Fujifilm’s strategy to build arguably the strongest and most diverse inkjet technology platforms in the industry.

Water-based inkjet inks

Fujifilm is one of the few companies in the world with significant R&D and manufacturing capabilities in both water-based and UV inks for the commercial, wide format and packaging sectors.  Fujifilm’s development of water-based inks for commercial applications in particular began in earnest in 2005 with the acquisition of Avecia’s Inkjet Business. A specialist in the development and manufacture of high performance dyes, pigments and colorants, Avecia (now Fujifilm Imaging Colorants) was founded in 1985 with the launch of the first generation of high purity inkjet colorants, and by 1994 it had built the world’s largest digital aqueous ink manufacturing facility in the USA.

With the 2005 Fujifilm acquisition and the massive investment in R&D that followed, more recent developments have produced a raft of new capabilities, including photo-grade dyes for image permanence of 50+ fifty years, proprietary reactive dispersant technologies, and the development of ultra-high performance aqueous inks for Fujifilm’s flagship B2 inkjet press, the Jet Press 750S.

Fujifilm Imaging Colorants, as a result of this consistent and continuous innovation, is a business that has grown to be the world’s largest manufacturer of aqueous inkjet fluids.

The Fujifilm toner story

It may not be widely known to a European audience, but Fujifilm has a long history of introducing innovative toner-based office copiers, monochrome printers and full colour commercial printing systems, alongside significant document and business service solutions. Historically this technology was developed through its Fuji Xerox subsidiary, now called FUJIFILM Business Innovation Corporation.

Although initially a joint venture with Rank Xerox (later Xerox), the business was consolidated to the Fujifilm Group in 2001 when it acquired 75% of the equity, and became a wholly owned Fujifilm subsidiary in 2019 when it acquired the final 25%.

In the last 60 years since, Fujifilm has developed world-leading expertise in toner-based technologies, which now include the high performance EA-Eco toners and fusing systems, the laser imaging and registration systems, the screening and smoothing algorithms, and the finishing and post-processing systems. Many of these technologies are best-in-class, resulting in industry-leading printer performance.

Fujifilm toner technologies

Just as with its inkjet offering, Fujifilm’s ability to bring award-winning toner press solutions to market stems from its fundamental technology expertise, and its ability to bring them together into leading production solutions.

This new range takes full advantage of Fujifilm’s leading heritage in toner-based print production, along with the company’s deep understanding of both offset and digital print, to create production printers that deliver industry-leading performance. They combine high print speeds, superb finishing flexibility, industry-leading colours and enhancements, and of course superb print quality.

The flagship press in the range is the Revoria Press PC1120, which features an advanced print engine and the choice of 10 colours, including gold, silver, white, pink & clear, easily configurable into six before and after CMYK stations. With industry leading print quality, incredible media & finishing versatility, and the largest colour gamut, this award-winning press has made a huge impact in the short time since its phased European launch, giving designers and brands the freedom to create high value print using special colours over short or medium run lengths. With the silver and gold metallics, and the white and special colours and effects available, designers can meet the demands of luxury brands looking for added value print collateral that can be produced economically in very short runs. In addition, Fujifilm-engineered AI image enhancement means that photographs are auto-enhanced at the printing stage, meaning much less time is required to manually re-touch images.

Bringing it all together

In the modern print marketplace, the only real way to stay competitive is by adding value. Whether that is through creative applications, special effects or simply through ultra-high levels of quality. As consumers reach new levels of digital saturation, print offers more targeted, high-value opportunities.

The focus at Fujifilm is to ensure that we are helping our customers right across the industry take full advantage of those opportunities. Every business has a unique set of challenges and each will have different technology and support requirements to meet and overcome those challenges. That’s why we’ve developed our portfolio to span the entire market, from analogue to digital, from toner to inkjet, so we can partner with print businesses at every stage of their digital print journey – from those yet to make their first digital print investment, to businesses that have already phased out analogue altogether.

Discover the best of inkjet. Discover the best of toner. Discover the difference with Fujifilm.

[1],[2] The Future of Digital Printing to 2032, Smithers Information Ltd, 2022

Commercial Printing

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Case Study: Imprinting Solutions for Direct Mail Printing


Case Study

Paragon Germany confirms investment in Fujifilm Imprinting Solution for direct mail printing

Paragon Germany

Schwandorf, Germany

Imprinting solutions

Leestijd 4 minutes


  • Paragon Germany employs more than 1,200 employees across eight locations in Germany, Czech Republic and Poland.
  • The company has installed a pair of one metre wide Fujifilm imprinting bars.
  • Fujifilm’s imprinting solutions replace legacy inkjet imprinting equipment on a direct mail production line.
  • Fujifilm’s heritage and proven technology was a key reason for investment.
  • The new system provided Paragon Germany with increased uptime, shorter set-up times, and reduced waste compared to the legacy system.
  • Fujifilm is pleased with Paragon’s investment and looks forward to boosting their productivity and reducing costs in the long term.

The Fujifilm imprinting system gives us more up-time, shorter set-up times and results in far less waste.

Bernd Wein | Paragon Germany

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With more than 9,000 employees in 20 countries and an annual turnover of more than €1.2 billion, Paragon Group is a major global player in direct mail, transactional print, business outsourcing and packaging. Within that wider business, Paragon Germany employs more than 1,200 employees across eight locations in Germany, Czech Republic and Poland.

Looking to replace legacy inkjet imprinting equipment on a direct mail printing production line in Schwandorf, Germany, the company has turned to Fujifilm and its industry-leading imprinting solutions, installing a pair of one metre wide Fujifilm imprinting bars to print to the front and the reverse of the web.

“There were a number of reasons we went with Fujifilm over rival systems,” explains Bernd Wein, Paragon Operations Director, Direct Mail. “We liked that they fully own all the technologies – the printheads as well as the integration technology. It gives us confidence to be dealing with one partner – a partner that we were confident could offer the service and support we need to ensure ongoing smooth operation and the swift resolution to any problems.

“It’s also proven technology,” Mr Wein continues. “Fujifilm has a long heritage in inkjet, and its imprinting solutions are tried and tested. They’re a strong and respected manufacturer and a financially robust and stable company that we know we can depend on over the long term.

“The fact that Fujifilm acquired Unigraphica in 2022 was also a factor in our investment decision. The combination of Fujifilm and Unigraphica inkjet systems integration expertise was a very attractive proposition.”

“Finally, Fujifilm was also able to provide a bespoke system as large as one metre wide. No one else we spoke to was able to do that. And furthermore, compared with our legacy system, the Fujifilm imprinting system gives us more up-time, shorter set-up times and results in far less waste.”

Stefan Steinle, Sales & Business Development Manager, FUJIFILM Integrated Inkjet Solutions, Europe comments: “We’re delighted that a company of Paragon’s reputation and standing has chosen to invest in Fujifilm inkjet imprinting technology. We look forward to boosting Paragon’s productivity, and reducing its costs for many years to come.”

Fujifilm Imprinting Systems

Find out more about Fujifilm Imprinting Systems – retrofitted to your analogue press for a multitude of applications

Discover our Imprinting Systems

Revoria Press EC1100

Highly productive and versatile production printer

High quality, productive and versatile

Superb mid-range press suitable for a multitude of applications

The Revoria Press EC1100 is a versatile production printer capable of high resolution printing at faster production speeds. It is able to support a wide range of applications thanks to its creative finishing capabilities and versatile media handling, including long and heavyweight paper up to 400g.


2400 dpi, 10-bit

Tot wel


paper weight
Tot wel

100 ppm

A4 print speed

Why Revoria Press EC1100?

High quality

2400 dpi and EA-Eco toner for superb results on coated or uncoated paper


100ppm on both coated and uncoated paper up to 300g in weight


Handles media weights from 52g to 400g and long banner paper up to 1200mm

Control panel
VCSEL-ROS / EA-Eco toner
Air suction mechanism / multi-feed detection device
Gate-type registration mechanism
Compact belt roll fuser
Built-in twin decurler
Compact paper cooling device
Inline sensor
Real time curl correction

Oplossingen voor bedrijfsdrukwerk

One partner for the best in inkjet and toner. Find out about our full range of digital presses.

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Find out what the Revoria EC1100 can do for your business

Belangrijkste kenmerken

Discover more about the advanced technologies and capabilities built into the Revoria Press EC1100.

Highly productive and easy to use

The Revoria Press EC1100 achieves high productivity printing of 100ppm on both coated and uncoated paper up to 300g in weight. Even on heavier weight media between 300g and 400g, a high speed is maintained at 80ppm.

Optional Air Suction Feeder ensures ultra-reliable media handling for all media types

Like an offset feeder, each sheet is picked up and delivered securely by the shuttle head using air suction, improving the paper feeding performance for low quality, textured and coated media.

This system is different to most others on the market, giving ultra-reliable and consistent paper feeding and therefore print performance.

Automation with inline sensor

The Revoria Press EC1100 has an inline sensor which automatically makes adjustments for a number of critical production parameters, including the image-to-media alignment, image transfer, density uniformity and tone reproduction curve.

This saves time, optimises quality and improves the efficiency of production for simple, more reliable operation. This is particularly useful for longer banner paper, which has a tendency to skew or suffer from mis-registration without these automated adjustments.

Optimise print conditions for each paper type with built in media library

Minimise adjustments when setting up print jobs by using pre-registered paper type settings in the media library such as voltage and curl. Alternatively, you can customise the pre-loaded recommended paper list and save up to 1,000 different paper type setting for faster setup.

Auto sheet clearing after paper jam

Significantly reduce the time taken to clear a paper jam with the automated clearing of the remaining paper after a jam. When a paper jam does occur, offset pages are inserted to identify any missing or repeated pages.


Handles various media weights from 52g to 400g

Everything from thin folded flyers to thick business cards can be printed. Additionally, not only can it handle heavier weight longer papers (350g up to 660mm, 300g up to 864mm) but the efficient media handling and versatility mean a wide range of customer needs can be met. In addition, high speed envelope printing can be achieved without an additional fuser.

Wide range of paper sizes, along with long banner paper of 1200 mm

The printer supports a wide range of paper sizes, from 148 x 98 mm (smaller than a postcard) up to 1200 x 330mm banner paper. The Multi Sheet Inserter for banner printing can print single-sided long paper from 660 x 330mm up to 1200 x 330mm, depending on the configuration, and duplex long paper up to 864 x330 mm, opening up new application and business opportunities. The Revoria Press EC1100 performs automated alignment adjustments to prevent paper skew or mis-registration which can often occur for longer banner papers to ensure ultra-reliable operation.


High quality

10-bit processing and half tone smoothing

10-bit processing results in up to 1024 halftones (instead of 256 with an 8-bit system) meaning extra control and higher quality reproduction can be achieved. In addition, graduation correction is used on images and vector graphics, faithfully reproducing fine tints, gradations of colour and subtle blends between colours. This is especially valuable when printing colour gradients, skin tones and shadows.

2400 dpi resolution and excellent registration

The VCSEL-ROS laser provides 2400 dpi print resolution while the energy-efficient EA-Eco toner* achieves superb results on either coated or uncoated paper to deliver high quality images comparable to offset printing. In addition, the front/back registration of up to 0.5mm (0.8mm from standard trays) ensures high quality duplex printing.

* Emulsion Aggregation-Eco Toner

Finishing applications

Discover the range of creative possibilities provided by the modular feeding and finishing options available as part of the Revoria Press EC1100

More information

Find more details and key specifications in the Revoria EC1100 product brochure, available for download now.

De brochure downloaden

Revoria Press SC170/80

Compact and highly
productive printer

High quality, productive and versatile

Compact mid-range printer suitable for a wide range of applications

The Revoria Press SC180 / SC170 is a compact and highly productive printer capable of high resolution printing. With its versatile media handling, including long and heavyweight paper, and a wide range of finishing, it is a perfect, compact printer for a wide range of applications.


2400 dpi, 10-bit

print resolution

52 to 400g

media weights
Tot wel


A4 print speed

Why Revoria Press SC170/80?

High Quality

2400 dpi and EA-Eco toner for superb results on coated or uncoated paper


80ppm on both coated and uncoated paper up to 220g in weight


Handles media weights from 52 to 400g and long banner paper up to 1200mm

Automatic document feeder
VCSEL-ROS / EA-Eco toner
Air suction mechanism / multi-feed detection device
Compact belt roll fuser
Real time curl correction
Built-in twin decurler

Uw volledige ondersteuningspakket

Our expert team takes time to understand your unique business requirements and goals for print-on-demand service and support

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Oplossingen voor bedrijfsdrukwerk

One partner for the best in inkjet and toner. Find out more about our full range of digital presses.

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Find out what the Revoria SC170/80 can do for your business

Belangrijkste kenmerken

Discover more about the advanced technologies and capabilities built into the Revoria Press SC170/80

Highly productive and easy to use

High productivity of 80 ppm on mixed media jobs

The Revoria Press SC180 & SC170 achieves high productivity printing of 80ppm on both coated and uncoated paper up to 220g in weight. Even on heavier weight media between 300g and 400g, a high speed is maintained at 60ppm.

Printing Speed (uncoated)

Printing Speed (coated)

Optional Air Suction Feeder ensures ultra-reliable media handling for all media types
Like an offset feeder, each sheet is picked up and delivered securely by the shuttle head using air suction, improving the paper feeding performance for low quality, textured and coated media. This system is different to most others on the market, giving ultra-reliable and consistent paper feeding and therefore print performance.

Simple Image Quality Adjustment (SIQA) system saves operator time
SIQA is an adjustment mechanism to optimise image-to-media alignment, density uniformity and image transfer parameters. This saves operator time and improves productivity by eliminating the need to manually print and measure every job.


Handles various media weights from 52g to 400g

Everything from thin folded flyers to thick business cards can be printed. Additionally, not only can it handle heavier weight longer papers (350g up to 660mm, 300g up to 864mm) but the efficient media handling and versatility mean a wide range of customer needs can be met. In addition, high speed envelope printing can be achieved without an additional fuser.

Wide range of paper sizes, along with long banner paper of 1200 mm

The printer supports a wide range of paper sizes, from 148 x 98 mm (smaller than a postcard) up to 1200 x 330mm banner paper. The Multi Sheet Inserter for banner printing can print single-sided long paper from 660 x 330mm up to 1200 x 330mm, depending on the configuration, and duplex long paper up to 864 x330 mm, opening up new application and business opportunities. The Revoria Press SC180 & SC170 perform alignment adjustments to prevent paper skew or mis-registration which can often occur for longer banner papers to
ensure ultra-reliable operation.

High Quality

10-bit processing and half tone smoothing

10-bit processing results in up to 1024 halftones (instead of 256 with an 8-bit system) meaning extra control and higher quality reproduction can be achieved. In addition, graduation correction is used on images and vector graphics, faithfully reproducing fine tints, gradations of colour and subtle blends between colours. This is especially valuable when printing colour gradients, skin tones and shadows.

2400 dpi resolution and excellent registration

The VCSEL-ROS laser provides 2400 dpi print resolution while the energy efficient EA-Eco toner* achieves superb results on either coated or uncoated paper to deliver high quality images comparable to offset printing. In addition, the front/back registration of up to 0.5mm (0.8mm from standard trays) ensures high quality duplex printing.

Finishing applications

Discover the range of creative possibilities provided by the modular feeding and finishing options available as part of the Revoria Press SC170/80

Discover more

Find more details and key specifications in the Revoria SC170/80 product brochure, available for download now.

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XMF PressReady

Revolutionary digital print production workflow

Advanced digital workflow

Streamline digital production with automated workflows

XMF PressReady is a revolutionary digital print production workflow system to receive, pre-flight, impose, gang, sort and deliver “Press Ready” jobs to digital presses using automated production flows. It allows print service providers to automate ordinary and repetitive tasks, allowing press operators to focus on more important aspects of the production process.


all digital






Waarom XMF PressReady?

One workflow

Full integration with Fiery and Fujifilm Revoria Flow DFEs to manage all digital
presses with one system


Eliminate routine tasks, improve production efficiency and lower running costs for a better ROI


Highly intuitive and simple interface allows system to be scaled across teams of
any size

Request a demo

Explore the benefits that XMF PressReady could bring to your business

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XMF PressReady is unique in integrating not only with Revoria digital presses, but any connected digital press using a Fiery DFE

Hybrid digital & offset print production

XMF PressReady is integrated with Fujifilm’s established and respected XMF Workflow system, allowing print businesses to manage both offset and digital production via one integrated workflow, making it an ideal solution for those who offer hybrid printing services. When used in combination with Fujifilm’s Revoria Press PC1120 and Revoria Flow DFE, XMF PressReady, can completely automate the flow of print work from order intake to printed product by preconfiguring and automating the flow of work through the Revoria Flow DFE.


XMF PressReady can integrate with other systems such as Management Information Systems (MIS) and web to print systems allowing up stream systems to be fully connected to the digital print production flow.

Print management across all vendor presses

XMF PressReady is unique in integrating not only with Revoria digital presses, but any connected digital press using a Fiery DFE. This allows print service providers to manage digital presses from
multiple vendors using one system, giving visibility of the print job status, the print job queue, media information, ink levels and much more.

Conditional automation

Able to integrate seamlessly into a range of established workflow environments, XMF PressReady offers multiple workflows that can be configured to make production decisions based on size, quantity, media, and page count. XMF PressReady eliminates the need for manual intervention, saving valuable time and reducing the possibility of operator error.

Streamline production

Fujifilm’s XMF PressReady brings a new level of efficiency to digital print production, providing print service providers with a powerful, flexible, and efficient workflow system that can automate processes, streamline production, and save valuable time by minimising errors.

XMF PressReady workflow

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Learn more about XMF PressReady and our other print solutions in our new commercial range guide

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Case study: ApeosPro C Toner Press

Emmerson Press

Case Study

Emmerson Press becomes first UK investor in Fujifilm’s ApeosPro C toner press

Emmerson Press

Kenilworth, UK

ApeosPro C Series

Leestijd 4 minutes


  • Emmerson Press, a commercial printer based in Kenilworth, UK, has a history of being a first adopter of Fujifilm printing technology.
  • In 2016, they became the first UK printer to invest in the Jet Press 720S, later upgrading to the Jet Press 750S in 2019.
  • They are the first UK print business to invest in Fujifilm’s newly launched ApeosPro C810 toner press.
  • The decision to invest in Fujifilm’s ApeosPro C810 Toner Press was made after careful research and consultation with Fujifilm representatives.
  • Emmerson Press plans to use the new toner press for a wide range of applications, particularly ultra-short run work with quick turnaround times.
  • The investment is expected to provide a competitive edge, improve cost-efficiency, and complement their existing printing machines.

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Emmerson Press, a respected commercial printer based in Kenilworth, UK, has been first before. A Fujifilm plates customer for nearly two decades, in 2016 they became the first printer in the UK to invest in the Jet Press 720S, later upgrading to the Jet Press 750S in 2019. Now, in 2023, they have now become the first UK print business to invest in Fujifilm’s newly launched ApeosPro C810 toner press.

The deal was formally agreed at a Fujifilm event in London’s docklands in May to celebrate the launch of Fujifilm’s toner technologies in the UK.

Jamie Emmerson, Director, Emmerson Press comments: “We had an existing toner machine that had reached end of life and we were looking for a new solution. After looking at the market, the ApeosPro C Toner Press seemed like an ideal choice. We’d been researching it for some time but had to wait patiently until the official UK launch in April to speak to our Fujifilm representative. Following this conversation, we soon signed the deal. Despite it being newly launched in the UK, we did our homework and, being a long-term Fujifilm partner, we were confident that the technology had been tried and tested. Being the first in the UK to invest in Fujifilm technology once again, marks an exciting time for us and we are confident that this investment will give us a competitive edge.”

“We’ll use it to produce a wide range of additional applications – particularly any ultra-short run work that needs to be turned around instantly. And we’ll also use it as an office printer, which further helps with costs and efficiency. The small format size is very useful and overall, the price point, combined with the quality that can be achieved, makes this a truly exceptional machine that is well worth the investment.

“The ApeosPro C Toner Press complements our existing machines well. Fujifilm is a trusted partner, who we enjoy working with – and having multiple solutions from one vendor makes things much simpler to manage, and the support from the Fujifilm team is always second to none.”

Martin Fairweather, National Digital Business Development Manager, Fujifilm UK comments: “We’re delighted to be further expanding our partnership with Emmerson Press. Their trust in us as a long-term partner is demonstrated by them becoming the first in the UK to invest in Fujifilm technology once again. Following the official recent ApeosPro C launch earlier this year, we’re excited to continue to drive this momentum forward and Emmerson Press is the perfect company to gain maximum benefits from this technology.”

The success of the ApeosPro C Toner Press underscores our dedication to meeting the evolving needs of valued customers like Emmerson Press. By addressing the challenges faced by modern businesses, we have positioned ourselves at the forefront of the printing industry, offering a solution that not only elevates the standard of output but also streamlines processes and enhances sustainability.

ApeosPro C Series

Learn more about the ApeosPro C series of high quality light production printers

Discover ApeosPro

ApeosPro C Series

C810, C750 & C650 – Light production printers offering exceptional quality

High quality light production printers

At home in a corporate office, light production professional print environment, or design agency

The ApeosPro C Series is an entry level range of four-colour printers that offer exceptional quality for businesses with lower production volumes. They are built on a next-generation platform, with all printers in the range able to produce superb, high quality print on a wide range of substrates and for a wide range of applications.


2400 x 2400 dpi

print quality
Print speed

Up to 81 ppm

Full colour
Paper weight

52 to 350 gsm

Bypass tray

Why ApeosPro C Series?

World’s first LED printhead with 2400 x 2400 dpi resolution

Versatile enough to print a wide range of applications

High productivity levels with continuous operation

Interface Decurler
Inserter D1
High Capacity Stacker A1
Crease / Two-sided Trimmer D2
Folder Unit CD2
Finisher D6 / Finisher D6 with Booklet Maker
Square Back Trimmer D1

Ultra-high quality output

The ApeosPro C Series benefits from the world’s first high resolution LED printhead, which produces incredible, high definition print. It is also possible to maintain high print quality levels with very simple adjustments.

The world’s first* high resolution LED printhead

  • 2400 x 2400 dpi resolution
  • LED printhead produces a very thin LED beam to write the image
  • The exposure unit does not vibrate because there is no drive mechanism, meaning image reproduction is incredibly stable
  • The LED printhead consumes less energy, resulting in lower power consumption

* Utilising dry-electrophotographic toner, as of March 2021 and according to Fujifilm research.

Suitable for a wide variety of paper sizes and thicknesses

The ApeosPro C Series printers are able to print on a wide range of paper sizes and thicknesses, making them suitable for the production of many different types of print.

  • Suitable for paper sizes from postcards to long sheets of paper, up to a maximum size of
    330 x 1300 mm
  • Supports a wide range of thicknesses from 52 gsm lightweight paper to 350 gsm cardstock paper
  • Prints beautifully, even on envelopes and embossed paper with an uneven surface

Advanced security features

Information is an important asset which should be protected at all cost. The ApeosPro C Series printers incorporate a range of security features to safeguard important information.

  • User authentication and permissions
  • Protection against unauthorised access to higher level management functions
  • Protection against software misuse
  • Encryption of documents stored on the printer, and communication data between printer
    and PC
  • Prevention of issues caused by operator errors

High productivity levels with continuous operation

The ApeosPro C Series printers offer excellent durability and high productivity levels with continuous operation possible.

  • Achieve print speeds as high as 81 x A4 ppm with the C810, 75 ppm with the C750, and
    65 ppm with the C650
  • High capacity paper feeder holds up to 7360 sheets*
  • It is possible to replace toner cartridges and add paper without stopping the print job in progress, therefore maximising printer uptime and productivity
  •  Low wear photoconductor drum with long life reduces the frequency of drum replacements

Stable paper feed, whatever the substrate type

The ApeosPro C Series printers are incredibly versatile, thanks to a number of key features:

  • A built-in sensor detects any misalignment of paper traveling at high speeds andautomatically corrects it
  • By adjusting the force applied to the paper according to the paper thickness, a stable paper feed and high registration accuracy are achieved, even with thicker cardstock
  • A built-in decurler flattens any possible paper curl, which helps guarantee the stable feed of paper. In addition, as an option, the printers can monitor any paper curl that is present, and make adjustments in real time to further minimise any potential paper feed inconsistencies.
  • The optimum output conditions for each paper type, such as the
    transfer conditions, can be registered and stored (maximum: 100)
    so that high quality output can be achieved efficiently simply by selecting the correct paper type.

See for yourself..

See what the ApeosPro C Series can do for your business

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Een monster aanvragen

Bekijk de kwaliteit die je kunt bereiken met de ApeosPro C-serie

Finishing applications

Versatile post-processing with a range of in-line finishing options

From printing to post-processing, the ApeosPro printers are incredibly versatile, making it possible to produce many different types of finished print.

Square Back

High quality booklets with a square back finish for a flat book spine.


Crease function to create unique accordion folds for promotional materials. Up to five creases can be made for mountain and valley folds.

Discover more

Learn more about the ApeosPro C Series by downloading the product brochure

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Case study – Emmerson Press

Emmerson Press becomes the first UK print business to invest in Fujifilm’s innovative ApeosPro C810 toner press.

Read more here

Case Study: Revoria Press PC1120


Case Study

Floricolor expands business offering and increases revenue with investment in Fujifilm Revoria PC1120


Perafita, Portugal

Revoria Press PC1120

There are many ongoing challenges in the market, but Fujifilm is always a reliable partner that has enabled us to overcome these challenges and help us to grow

Tiago Yu | Floricolor


  • Floricolor is one of the leading producers of professional photography albums in the world
  • The company has had a Jet Press 750S since October 2019 – the company’s largest investment
  • Now, Floricolor has invested in the Revoria PC1120, enabling the company to produce wedding invitations
  • Floricolor has been impressed with the special colours, effects, textures, sizes and substrates that the Revoria can print on
  • The designers and photographers have also been impressed with what can be achieved.
  • Revoria investment marks the latest step in a successful long-term partnership

Floricolor celebrated its investment in Fujifilm’s Revoria PC1120 press with an open house event in March 2022. Inviting several Portuguese customers, Floricolor and Fujifilm demonstrated the full potential of the new Revoria press – working in tandem with the Jet Press 750S – with printed samples and live demonstrations.

“The open house presented an initial opportunity for us to showcase what the Revoria can achieve, as well as giving our customers a chance to provide feedback.” explains Tiago Yu, CEO, Floricolor. “They were all very impressed with the results and what can be achieved so we knew exciting times lie ahead.”

“Our main market used to be wedding albums, but in recent years we’ve seen the demand for this service decrease. Demand for wedding invitations, however, is still just as strong, so we saw an opportunity to compensate for this loss in wedding album production by entering the wedding invitation space, something which has only been possible with the investment in the Revoria press. It also enables us to print large wedding album covers that we were previously not able to, helping us to expand our product offering and increase our revenue.”

“With the Revoria PC1120, we have launched a new business venture named Studio 6. Under the Studio 6 brand, we print wedding invitations, thank you cards, business cards and special stationery for our customers. We use the PC1120, in combination with other finishing equipment, to offer our customers a range of unique products, using special colours such as gold and silver varnishes.”

“The designers have been very impressed with the results that can be achieved from the Revoria press, particularly the special colours, textures and different substrates. Typically, it would be difficult to achieve a small run order of special colours, but with the Revoria PC1120, we are now able to do just that. All of our customers have been amazed with the quality and turnaround times.”

In addition to the special colours, the PC1120 enables us to print on substrates of many thicknesses, sizes and types, including plastic – something that we could not achieve with any comparable press on the market. The machine’s media handling is also particularly impressive.

Tiago Yu | Floricolor

“There are many ongoing challenges in the market, but Fujifilm is always a reliable partner that has enabled us to overcome these challenges and help us to grow. We have immense confidence in them to help us deliver print of the highest standard and we are looking forward to continuing to develop this relationship in the future.”

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Revoria Press PC1120

Find out more about the award-winning features of the Revoria Press PC1120

Discover the Revoria Press PC1120

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Learn more about the Revoria Press PC1120 by downloading our product brochure.

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