Pipi Print and Packaging Ltd

Pipi Print and Packaging Ltd enhances capabilities with Fujifilm Jet Press 720S Investment

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Pipi Print and Packaging, based in Leicestershire, UK, is proud to announce the successful installation of its first digital press, the Fujifilm Jet Press 720S. This investment, initiated in March and fully operational since July, highlights the company’s commitment to innovation and sustainability in the packaging sector.

Pipi Print and Packaging is a family-owned business established in 1982, beginning as a small commercial print operation run from a terraced house. Over the years, it has grown into a major provider of printed cartons and labels, now operating from a 42,000-square-foot manufacturing plant. Serving a wide range of industries, including cosmetics, healthcare, decorative, and pharmaceuticals, Pipi Print and Packaging is renowned for its high quality, bespoke packaging solutions.

Hitesh Parmar, Sales Director, at Pipi Print and Packaging, comments: “The decision to invest in the Fujifilm Jet Press 720S was driven by the need to improve production speed, reduce waste, and maintain superior colour consistency. As our first investment in a digital press, the Jet Press 720S has revolutionised our operation. This efficiency, along with the excellent colour consistency and reduced waste, is a significant advancement for our company.

“This new capability has allowed us to enhance our service offerings, particularly by enabling lower minimum order quantities (MOQs), making us an ideal partner for start-up brands. The investment aligns with our commitment to sustainability, as the Jet Press 720S significantly reduces paper waste and eliminates the need for extensive make-ready sheets.” He added.

Raj Parmar, Managing Director, at Pipi Print and Packaging, comments: “This is a groundbreaking investment for us which has quickly revolutionised our work flow. The turnaround times from artwork approval have proven to be phenomenal. We look forward to building a long term partnership with Fujifilm.”

Martin Fairweather, National Digital Business Development Manager, Fujifilm UK said, “We are delighted that Pipi Print and Packaging has chosen the Jet Press 720S to enhance their digital printing capabilities. It’s been a pleasure to work with such a forward-thinking company that values both quality and sustainability. We are confident that this press will help them achieve their operational goals and open up new opportunities in the packaging market.”

Pipi Print and Packaging will be showcasing their latest investment and discussing its benefits at London Packaging Week. Visitors are encouraged to stop by their stand F14 to learn more about how they can benefit from Pipi Print and Packaging’s service offering with the Fujifilm Jet Press 720S

‘Zero to Landfill’ certification for ink site

Fujifilm’s Broadstairs ink manufacturing site receives Valpak ‘Zero to Landfill’ certification

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Fujifilm’s ink manufacturing site, based in Broadstairs, UK, has received ‘Zero to Landfill’ certification from Valpak, a leading provider of environmental compliance and recycling solutions.

The award-winning factory* manufactures high performance inks for a range of markets, including Uvijet wide format UV inkjet inks, and Sericol screen inks. The company has steadily implemented new systems, technologies and processes at the site to monitor and measure its progress, as it takes steps to further reduce its environmental impact.

The Valpak certification is a significant milestone that confirms the site is sending zero packaging, production or hazardous waste to landfill. It also highlights the company’s commitment to continuously improving its waste management through reducing, recycling and reusing resources.

The certification process involved a comprehensive audit, carried out by Valpak, of Fujifilm’s waste management practices on site, including its waste and recycling initiatives.

During the audit, Fujifilm demonstrated how it is measuring and monitoring a wide range of key performance indicators, including:
• Waste in each department is properly and responsibly disposed of in the correct bins
• Hazardous waste containers are sealed, once full, and removed by the onsite waste management team
• Balers are used for plastic polythene and cardboard
• The canteen has separate bins for metal cans, coffee cups, food and general waste
• Food waste is composted
• There are mixed recycling bins in place across the site
• Importantly, Fujifilm records its waste data via an online system to measure and improve its practices.

In addition, Paul Dannahy, Goods Team Leader at the site in Broadstairs, played a key role in identifying waste processing companies which allowed Fujifilm to move waste from incineration to recycling centres, and in other areas, generate value from the waste. (For example, pallets were broken down into pellets for fuel. The pellets were then sent away from the site, sold and reused in other applications).

Fujifilm proved (from 1 April, 2023 to 31 March, 2024) that in addition to sending zero waste to landfill, it achieved a recycling rate of 53.64%. In addition to increasing the amount of waste being recycled, Fujifilm also reduced the overall waste being produced.


Paul Dannahy, Goods Team Leader comments: “We are honoured to receive ‘Zero to Landfill’ certification from Valpak. It’s a testament to our team’s dedication to reducing our environmental impact and promoting a circular economy.”

Craig Milsted, Sustainability Advisor at Fujifilm Speciality Ink Systems, Broadstairs, adds: “Looking forward, we are confident that we can continue to make iterative improvements all over the site, across all areas of energy, waste and water reductions, to maintain our position as an award-winning, world-class and sustainable factory.”


Bronwynn Harris, Waste & Resource Traceability Consultant at Valpak, adds: “We are delighted to certify Fujifilm’s Broadstairs site with ‘Zero to Landfill’ status. The company’s commitment to sustainability and the team’s proactive approach to waste management serve as an exemplary model for other companies to follow. The achievement highlights the significant impact that dedicated waste management practices can have on our planet.”

* Winner of ‘Best Factory’ award in 2013, 2015, 2016 and 2017

Acuity Prime Hybrid

Skutečně hybridní řešení tisku

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Rychle se měnící trh vývěsních štítů a výloh potřebuje flexibilní řešení, která udrží krok s poptávkou. Rychlost i kvalita se sice neustále zlepšují, nicméně tyto faktory se stávají spíše okrajovými a důraz je kladen především na poměr cena/výkon a všestrannost.

Tento posun směrem k poptávce po stále větší všestrannosti je částečně důsledkem pandemie Covidu, kdy se poskytovatelé tiskových služeb – zejména ti, kteří byli dříve úzce specializovaní – museli přizpůsobit a investovat do nových typů technologií pro vstup na nové trhy s rozmanitější řadou aplikací.

Jednou z reakcí trhu na tento posun je výrazné zvýšení zájmu o hybridní tiskárny a jejich zjevné výhody, které poskytují díky jejich flexibilitě a všestrannosti. Když spol. Fujifilm v r. 2021 zcela přepracovala a znovu uvedla na trh řadu velkoformátových tiskáren Acuity, bylo to zčásti proto, aby mohla lépe reagovat právě na tento druh změn na trhu. Tiskárny Acuity Ultra Hybrid LED a Acuity Prime Hybrid jsou úvodním důkazem, že tato strategie funguje přesně podle plánu.

Naopak skutečně hybridní stroje otevírají řadu možností pro tiskové firmy, jež hledají příležitosti k růstu. Dokážou totiž vykonat více práce, a navíc rychleji.


fujifilm wide format printer

Skutečně hybridní platforma

Co míníme pojmem „skutečně hybridní“ platforma? Co definuje „skutečně hybridní“ tiskárnu kromě toho, že samozřejmě dokáže tisknout na celou řadu pevných i pružných substrátů? Na tuto otázku lze asi začít odpovídat tím, že se nejprve zaměříme na to, čím není. Nejde o plochou tiskárnu s přidanou funkcí role, ani o stroj typu „z role na roli“ s plochým stolem jako volitelným doplňkem. Takové stroje mají nepochybně svoje místo, ale to se nachází opravdu jen v prostředích, kde je tato dodatečná funkce potřeba pouze příležitostně. Na dnešním tiskovém trhu, kde je nejdůležitější schopností přizpůsobit se a dodávat co nejširší spektrum prací, už tyto „polovičně hybridní stroje“ často nestačí.

S opravdovým hybridem získáte výjimečný výkon, ať už tisknete na pevná nebo rolovací média, protože stroj je navržen s ohledem na obě možnosti, a ne jen na jednu z nich. A pokud je kvalita konstrukce stroje dostatečně dobrá, pak tento výjimečný výkon zůstává konzistentní i při velmi dlouhých úlohách, ať už se jedná o tisk z role na role nebo na tuhá média, což poskytuje maximální flexibilitu.

Naopak skutečně hybridní stroje otevírají řadu možností pro tiskové firmy, jež hledají příležitosti k růstu. Dokážou totiž vykonat více práce, a navíc rychleji.

Návrh a konstrukce

Řada Acuity spol. Fujifilm kombinuje oceňovaný britský design s japonskou zárukou kvality a velmi pečlivými výrobními procesy. Tato výjimečná konstrukce a kvalita provedení se projevuje ve všech aspektech výkonu strojů. Ale jednou z oblastí, která je pro stroj Acuity Prime Hybrid obzvláště důležitá a která je vynikajícím příkladem „skutečného hybridu“, je schopnost manipulace s médii. Stroj Acuity Prime Hybrid díky své průmyslové konstrukci umí manipulovat s rolemi o hmotnosti až 100 kg – to je mnohem více, než by zvládla upravená plochá tiskárna. A nejen to, média se také výjimečně dobře registrují, což znamená, že tento stroj lze nechat tisknout dlouhé úlohy s minimálním zapojením obsluhy.

Inkousty světové třídy

Pokud jde o inkousty a vytvrzování, může se stroj Acuity Prime Hybrid pochlubit další výhodou oproti řadě konkurentů. Vlastní UV a nízkoenergetické LED UV vytvrzovací inkousty spol. Fujifilm znamenají, že stroj Acuity Prime Hybrid je nejen rychlejší než mnoho jeho konkurentů, ale také tiskne na mnohem širší škálu substrátů. Nízkoenergetické vytvrzování totiž znamená také nízkou teplotu. To znamená, že teplo-citlivá média lze používat mnohem snáze a tisknout na ně vyšší rychlostí, než by bylo jinak možné. To však nelze provádět u vytvrzovacích systémů, které vyžadují teplejší proces sušení, například u latexu. Nižší teplota samozřejmě znamená také nižší spotřebu energie, což znamená nižší platby za energii, což je ekologický přínos i potenciální úspora financí, aniž by se snížil výkon stroje.

Důležité je, že UV-inkoustové barvy spol. Fujifilm mají také certifikaci Greenguard Gold, jsou tedy vhodné pro celou řadu interiérových aplikací včetně dekorací stěn.

Skutečná všestrannost

Stroj Acuity Prime Hybrid se také vyznačuje šířkou tisku 2,05 m, která přesahuje standardních 1,6 m u většiny alternativ. Tyto rozšířené schopnosti nejsou příliš drahé, takže jsou praktickou volbou pro firmy, které chtějí prozkoumat nové obzory. Větší tisková šířka stroje umožňuje efektivní tisk na role různých velikostí. Zároveň má schopnost tisku na více desek vedle sebe, což zase snižuje potřebu ořezu nebo změn velikosti a šetří čas i zdroje. Tato všestrannost otevírá dveře k nesčetným aplikacím, od retailových vývěsních štítů až po odolné venkovní výlohy.

V době, kdy je přizpůsobivost životně důležitá, představuje stroj Acuity Prime Hybrid ideální řešení pro tiskové firmy, které si chtějí udržet konkurenceschopnost a reagovat na neustále se měnící trh.

Osvědčené řešení

Tiskárna Acuity Prime Hybrid se již osvědčila v reálném podnikovém prostředí.

David Allen, generální ředitel spol. Allen Signs ve Velké Británii, investoval do tohoto stroje jako první na světě na podzim r. 2023. Říká, že tiskárna díky skvělé manipulaci s médii nejen vyniká mezi konkurencí, ale umí tisknout i na velmi obtížné substráty, jako jsou metalické materiály, a to finančně efektivním způsobem.

Pan Allen uvádí: „Díky našim znalostem hybridních platforem jsme v tiskárně Acuity Prime Hybrid hledali příležitost, jak dále prozkoumat značku Fujifilm. Tiskárna nám nyní umožňuje zajistit běžnou výrobu s minimálními problémy a vynikající kvalitou i nízkou spotřebou inkoustu.“

Matt Ryder, tiskový specialista spol. Allen Signs, dodává: Zkusili jsme zakázku na novém stroji Fujifilm, a v mžiku vše registroval. Bylo to perfektní. Co se týče materiálů, zatím jsme nenarazili na substrát, který by nefungoval.“

Spol. Allen Signs je první z mnoha firem v Evropě a na celém světě využívající všech výhod stroje, který je skutečným hybridem a zároveň mění pravidla hry v oblasti výroby velkoformátového tisku.

Acuity Prime Hybrid

Objevte velkoformátovou hybridní tiskárnu, která mění pravidla výroby a je vhodná pro řadu kreativních aplikací.

Objevte Acuity Prime Hybrid

To nejlepší z inkoustových tiskáren a tonerů

Dvě technologie digitálního tisku. Více řešení. Jeden partner.

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Čas na čtení: 7 minut

Na trhu komerčního tisku dnes stále vládnou analogové tiskové procesy, zejména litografický ofset, pokud jde o objem a hodnotu tištěných materiálů. Tento objem a hodnota však klesají, protože roste poptávka po personalizovaných materiálech tištěných na vyžádání a v menších, ale častějších počtech. Tyto požadavky může splnit pouze digitální tisk.

Výzkumník trhu Smithers nám říká, že v roce 2032 bude mít digitální tisk hodnotu $230,5 miliardy, což představuje téměř čtvrtinu celosvětové hodnoty všech tiskových a potištěných obalů. To je o něco méně než 3,0 bilionu výtisků A4, což je nárůst o 68,61 TP3T na trhu v roce 2022. [1] A v rámci tohoto čísla pro digitální tisk inkoustové tiskárny představovaly 61,41 TP3 T hodnoty digitálního tisku s 62,41 TP3 T objemu v roce 2022. To se zvýší na 74,11 TP3 T hodnoty a 77,51 TP3 T objemu v roce 2032.[2]

Vzhledem k tomu, že sektor komerčního tisku pokračuje v digitalizaci, mají podniky na výběr, pokud jde o nejlepší technologie digitálního tisku, které je posunou vpřed. Pro některé bude prvořadá rychlost a kvalita inkoustového tisku, zatímco pro jiné bude větší užitečnost přidaná flexibilita toneru a možnost tisku speciálních barev a speciálních efektů pro kreativní aplikace.

Pro mnohé bude odpovědí kombinace obou technologií.

Společnost Fujifilm je jedinečná v tom, že nabízí nejlepší řešení ve své třídě a desítky let zkušeností s vývojem inkoustových i tonerových technologií, takže ať se společnost vydá jakoukoli digitální cestou, Fujifilm má k dispozici jak produktové portfolio, tak odborné znalosti.

Dědictví analogového tisku společnosti Fujifilm navíc znamená, že rozumí procesu a výzvám zavádění digitálních tiskových technologií do podnikání způsobem, který konkurenti zabývající se pouze digitálními technologiemi nemohou.

Když zvážíme všechny tyto faktory, na trhu neexistuje lepší partner, který by digitální transformaci podpořil.

Příběh inkoustové tiskárny Fujifilm

Příběh Fujifilmu a inkoustové technologie je příběhem v mnoha částech. Jsou tam tiskové hlavy; UV a inkousty na vodní bázi a sofistikované integrační a optimalizační technologie, které to vše spojují. Inkoustové technologie Fujifilm pohánějí tisková řešení, jako je Jet Press 750S, který již deset let nastavuje standard kvality a spolehlivosti v digitální tiskové produkci v komerčním sektoru, stejně jako řada inkoustových produkčních řešení pro nápisy, displeje a štítky. a obalová odvětví.

Tiskové hlavy

Fujifilm Dimatix je jednou z nejznámějších a nejuznávanějších značek ve vývoji inkoustových tiskových hlav. Společnost začala v roce 1984 jako Spectra, Inc., velmi raný průkopník průmyslových inkoustových tiskových hlav. V roce 2005 změnila svůj název na Dimatix a v následujícím roce ji získala Fujifilm. Samotný Fujifilm je proslulý svou historií inovací, zejména způsobem, jakým se rychle diverzifikoval, když na počátku 21. století klesla spodní část trhu s fotografickými filmy. Tato snaha o inovace pokračuje rychlým tempem a akvizice společnosti Dimatix byla součástí strategie společnosti Fujifilm vybudovat pravděpodobně nejsilnější a nejrozmanitější platformy inkoustových technologií v tomto odvětví.

Inkoustové inkousty na vodní bázi

Fujifilm je jednou z mála společností na světě s významnými výzkumnými a vývojovými a výrobními schopnostmi v oblasti inkoustů na vodní bázi i UV inkoustů pro komerční sektory, velkoformátové a balicí sektory. Vývoj inkoustů na vodní bázi pro komerční aplikace začal Fujifilm konkrétně v roce 2005 akvizicí společnosti Avecia's Inkjet Business. Specialista na vývoj a výrobu vysoce účinných barviv, pigmentů a barviv, společnost Avecia (nyní Fujifilm Imaging Colorants) byla založena v roce 1985 uvedením první generace vysoce čistých inkoustových barviv na inkoustové tiskárny a do roku 1994 vybudovala největší digitální digitální závod na výrobu vodného inkoustu v USA.

S akvizicí společnosti Fujifilm v roce 2005 a masivními investicemi do výzkumu a vývoje, které následovaly, nedávný vývoj přinesl řadu nových schopností, včetně fotobarviv pro stálost obrazu 50+ padesát let, patentované technologie reaktivních disperzantů a vývoj ultra- vysoce výkonné vodné inkousty pro vlajkovou loď společnosti Fujifilm pro inkoustový tisk B2, Jet Press 750S.

Fujifilm Imaging Colorants, jako výsledek této důsledné a nepřetržité inovace, je podnik, který se stal největším světovým výrobcem vodných inkoustových kapalin.

Příběh tonerů Fujifilm

Možná to není evropskému publiku příliš známé, ale společnost Fujifilm má dlouhou historii zavádění inovativních kancelářských kopírek na bázi toneru, monochromatických tiskáren a plnobarevných komerčních tiskových systémů spolu s významnými řešeními pro dokumenty a obchodní služby. Historicky byla tato technologie vyvinuta prostřednictvím její dceřiné společnosti Fuji Xerox, nyní nazvané FUJIFILM Business Innovation Corporation.

Ačkoli původně šlo o společný podnik s Rank Xerox (později Xerox), byl podnik v roce 2001 konsolidován do Fujifilm Group, když získala 75% vlastního kapitálu, a v roce 2019 se stal plně vlastněnou dceřinou společností Fujifilm, když získal finální 25%.

Za posledních 60 let vyvinula společnost Fujifilm přední světové odborné znalosti v technologiích založených na tonerech, které nyní zahrnují vysoce výkonné tonery a fixační systémy EA-Eco, laserové zobrazovací a registrační systémy, algoritmy stínění a vyhlazování a dokončovací práce. a systémy následného zpracování. Mnohé z těchto technologií jsou nejlepší ve své třídě a výsledkem je špičkový výkon tiskárny.

Technologie tonerů Fujifilm

Stejně jako u své nabídky inkoustových tiskáren, schopnost společnosti Fujifilm uvádět na trh oceňovaná řešení pro tisk tonerů pramení z jejích základních technologických odborných znalostí a její schopnosti spojit je do předních produkčních řešení.

Tato nová řada plně využívá přední dědictví společnosti Fujifilm v oblasti tonerové tiskové produkce, spolu s hlubokým porozuměním ofsetovému i digitálnímu tisku, k vytvoření produkčních tiskáren, které poskytují špičkový výkon. Kombinují vysoké rychlosti tisku, vynikající flexibilitu dokončování, špičkové barvy a vylepšení a samozřejmě vynikající kvalitu tisku.

Vlajkovou lodí této řady je Revoria Press PC1120, který se vyznačuje pokročilým tiskovým jádrem a možností výběru z 10 barev, včetně zlaté, stříbrné, bílé, růžové a čiré, které lze snadno konfigurovat do šesti před a po CMYK stanicích. Díky špičkové kvalitě tisku, neuvěřitelné všestrannosti médií a dokončovacích úprav a největšímu barevnému gamutu měl tento oceňovaný tiskový stroj obrovský dopad v krátké době od svého postupného evropského uvedení na trh a dává návrhářům a značkám svobodu vytvářet vysoce hodnotný tisk pomocí speciální barvy na krátké nebo střední délky. Díky stříbrné a zlaté metalíze, bílé a speciálním barvám a efektům, které jsou k dispozici, mohou návrháři splnit požadavky luxusních značek, které hledají tiskový materiál s přidanou hodnotou, který lze vyrábět ekonomicky ve velmi krátkých sériích. Kromě toho vylepšení obrazu AI vyvinuté společností Fujifilm znamená, že fotografie jsou automaticky vylepšeny ve fázi tisku, což znamená, že ruční retušování snímků zabere mnohem méně času.

Dát to všechno dohromady

Na moderním tiskovém trhu je jediným skutečným způsobem, jak zůstat konkurenceschopný, přidání hodnoty. Ať už prostřednictvím kreativních aplikací, speciálních efektů nebo jednoduše díky ultra vysoké úrovni kvality. Jak spotřebitelé dosahují nové úrovně digitální saturace, tisk nabízí cílenější příležitosti s vysokou hodnotou.

Společnost Fujifilm se zaměřuje na zajištění toho, abychom našim zákazníkům v celém odvětví pomáhali plně využít těchto příležitostí. Každý podnik má jedinečný soubor výzev a každý bude mít jiné požadavky na technologie a podporu, aby se s těmito výzvami vyrovnal a překonal je. Proto jsme vyvinuli naše portfolio tak, aby pokrývalo celý trh, od analogových po digitální, od tonerů po inkoustové, abychom mohli spolupracovat s tiskovými společnostmi v každé fázi jejich cesty digitálním tiskem – od těch, kteří teprve investují do digitálního tisku. , podnikům, které již analogové vysílání úplně vyřadily.

Objevte to nejlepší z inkoustových tiskáren. Objevte to nejlepší z tonerů. Objevte rozdíl s Fujifilmem.

[1],[2] Budoucnost digitálního tisku do roku 2032, Smithers Information Ltd, 2022

Komerční tisk

Kliknutím sem objevíte naši bezkonkurenční řadu inkoustových a tonerových řešení

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Introducing the Fujifilm Jet Press FP790

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The future of flexible packaging is digital. The future of flexible packaging is inkjet. The future of flexible packaging is the Fujifilm Jet Press FP790.

While there’s no doubt that in the packaging sector, the adoption of digital print technologies has advanced much more slowly than in other print sectors, the direction of travel is unambiguous. A 2021 Allied Market Research (AMR) report estimated the global digital printed packaging market to be worth $20.6 billion (in 2021) and projected substantial CAGR of 9.1% over ten years, to reach $49.9 billion by 2031.[1]

The report singled out flexible packaging as the segment likely to grow the fastest (from the smallest base) and also indicated that inkjet would grow its share of the digital packaging market overall compared with other digital alternatives, thanks to the levels of quality and productivity that can now be achieved with leading inkjet technologies.

There are a number of trends driving these shifts, and Fujifilm has designed the Jet Press FP790 to address all of them head on. In this article we examine three of the most important of these trends and look at how Fujifilm inkjet technology, and the Jet Press FP790 in particular, is uniquely well suited to address them.

Megatrend One: Sustainability

The challenge of developing more sustainable production practices is being driven by a mix of consumer pressure, government regulation and an increasing sense of environmental responsibility on the part of brands and packaging producers.

Reducing waste and boosting recyclability is an increasing concern for packaging companies and this trend is a major driver behind the adoption of digital technology, as it offers a way to significantly reduce waste and the use of consumables associated with analogue print processes.

Going digital has significant environmental benefits here, as far fewer consumables are used before, during and after the production process compared to traditional flexo production, and there is virtually no waste, resulting in a much smaller ecological footprint.

The consumables required for platemaking and the cleaning of processing equipment, the additional packaging required for those consumables, and the additional energy and water use required for those processes are all eliminated.

Additionally, going digital means shorter runs can be printed economically, so you can print just what you need – leading to much less product waste.

Megatrend Two: Time to market  

Time is money, and modern businesses, and modern consumers, expect instant delivery. New product lines often need to be set up at a moment’s notice and the timescales involved in setting up an analogue production line can sometimes be prohibitive – especially for relatively short run jobs.

This is where digital in the form of inkjet really comes into its own. With no set-up time required, the job gets printed straight away and turnaround times are massively reduced.

Megatrend Three: Rapid rise in SKUs and reduced product lifecycles

The proliferation of SKUs is another factor behind the increasing popularity of inkjet. More unique product lines, combined with shorter product lifecycles, mean that companies frequently end up with excess inventory. This leads to logistics and storage challenges, as well as higher levels of waste and higher costs. Short run production, to print the exact quantity you need and no more, offers a way around this, but it is simply not viable using analogue processes.

Related to this, having the ability to quickly and efficiently produce extremely high quality samples is another benefit of inkjet.

Why the Jet Press FP790?

The trends above are driving the interest in digital production – but not all digital solutions are created equal. There are many solutions out there – but only one is a proven mainstream flexo packaging print alternative.

Built on years of Fujifilm inkjet and packaging sector expertise

It’s in the name. Fujifilm’s Jet Press has been synonymous with inkjet excellence in the commercial print and folding carton packaging sector for more than a decade, and Fujifilm’s expertise in printhead and ink development stretches back much further still.

Fujifilm also has a long history in the flexible packaging industry, developing flexo plates, inks, imprinting bars and LED curing solutions.

In the Jet Press FP790, Fujifilm has brought together that combination of inkjet technology and flexo packaging market knowledge to produce a digital flexible packaging press that is not only setting new standards for quality and productivity – but is also designed to fit seamlessly into a typical flexible packaging  production environment with ease.

High quality Fujifilm water based inkjet ink, with a double white option

Fujifilm is one of the world’s leading ink manufacturers and the water based ink in the Jet Press FP790 draws on that rich heritage. The inks also include a unique double white option in the Jet Press FP790, and this, in particular, sets it apart as a machine suitable for tackling everything from the simplest production that just needs to get done fast, through to jobs that require the very highest standards of quality.

Osvědčené řešení

It may be new to the market, but the Jet Press FP790 has already proven its value and its potential through the endorsement of some of the industry’s most respected software and finishing companies who have signed up as partners. These partners include Henkel and Nordmeccanica for coating and laminating solutions, and HYBRID Software for our XMF Packaging workflow solution which provides automated pre-press functionality to deliver accelerated turnaround times, maximum productivity and reduced operating costs.

These multiple partnerships with respected and experienced industry names are both a vote of confidence in the capabilities of the press, and a means of ensuring that it can fit easily and seamlessly into existing analogue production environments.

But the endorsements don’t stop there. An early UK beta customer had this to say:

“Sustainable packaging design is not just about material choice. It’s about sustainable production and that’s what the Fujifilm Jet Press 790 achieves for us. With high speed and high quality digital printing, the ability to cost-effectively produce short run lengths, and the elimination of plates and make-ready processes, all mean that the Jet Press 790 brings a host of benefits to our business. It enables us to deliver excellence in print performance, eliminate waste and exceed the needs of today’s flexible packaging market with complete flexibility and agility. We are delighted to be the first installation in Europe and we are confident that the press will provide us with significant advantages in what is a highly competitive market.”

No additional investment required

Most digital flexo packaging solutions require a lot more additional investment beyond the press itself. Special substrates that need special adhesives and laminates and considerable downtime for all the associated changeovers. The Jet Press FP790 is designed to fit seamlessly into existing workflows and existing laminating and other finishing systems.

Overall, it’s clear that digital technologies are set to drive the future of flexible packaging. There are several trends causing this shift, and we will see this continue to grow further. Fujifilm is unique in its ability to combine decades of expertise in inkjet and flexible packaging, along with the support and knowledge of its partners, to provide an innovative solution that is truly future-proofing the flexible packaging market, with the Jet Press FP790.

[1] Digital Printing Packaging Market 2031: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/digital-printing-packaging-market-A08308

Jet Press FP790

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Fujifilm reduces the carbon footprint of its inks with innovative cleaning technology at its Broadstairs ink manufacturing facility

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  • Fujifilm switched to a more environmentally friendly cleaning technology at its Broadstairs ink manufacturing facility.
  • The company partnered with Terrafend, which develops and supplies sustainable cleaning solutions.
  • Fujifilm becomes the first company in the world to install an Ambimization® Proteus machine.
  • Ambimization® technology provides a revolutionary approach to cleaning by combining chemical and mechanical engineering.
  • The water-based cleaning fluids are non-flammable, non-carcinogenic and non-toxic.
  • Since installing the new technology, Fujifilm has significantly reduced its waste, carbon footprint and VOC emissions.

The FUJIFILM Specialty Ink Systems (FSIS) award-winning factory in Broadstairs, UK, manufactures high performance inks for a range of markets, including Uvijet wide format UV inkjet inks, and Sericol screen and flexo inks. The factory has implemented several sustainability initiatives over the last ten years and in the summer of 2022, it became the first ever company to trial the new-to-market Ambimization® fluids and Proteus pot wash machine from Terrafend.

Terrafend’s patented Ambimization® technology combines chemical and mechanical engineering to provide a revolutionary approach to cleaning. Ambimization® water-based fluids are non-flammable, non-carcinogenic and non-toxic. They work at ambient temperatures and can be used repeatedly before reaching end of life, thus reducing workplace risk, energy consumption, and VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds).

Last year, Fujifilm onboarded Ambimization® technology in its analogue ink department in Broadstairs to clean its UV, water-based and solvent-based ink pots. The use of Ambimization®, in turn enabled Fujifilm to implement the Proteus pot wash machine. These new innovations replaced legacy cleaning equipment that used chemical solvents.

The Proteus machine cleans pots with a water-based Ambimization® fluid in a time-efficient manner, facilitating cost and energy savings, as well as reducing the use of VOCs and creating a safer working environment. It is a sustainable cleaning solution that aligns with Fujifilm’s commitments to promote the use of green technology.

Moving from solvent to water-based cleaning

Fujifilm’s old pot cleaning process involved solvents being sprayed on the walls of the mixing vessels at pressures in excess of 70 bars, thereby removing traces of the ink and decontaminating the surfaces of the pots. This method used around 72,000 litres of chemical-based solvent and generated around 22,000 litres of waste per year.

After the cleaning process, the used solvent, saturated with ink, was pumped into a 24,000 litre storage tank at the Broadstairs site. When full, the tank was drained by a specialist contractor and the solvent waste was removed from the site, via road tanker, to a chemical re-processor. At the re-processor, the waste was separated through distillation, enabling 75% of the solvent to be returned to Fujifilm and used again. A limitation of this method was its inefficiency, with 25% of the material being lost in the recycling process.

In stark contrast, the new Proteus machine and water-based fluids, generate minimal chemical waste and VOCs. With Ambimization®, Fujifilm has managed to reduce solvent waste output at its Broadstairs site. This is not only better for the environment, but safer and more pleasant for the on-site Fujifilm team who handle the ink pots before and after cleaning. Fujifilm has reduced its VOC emissions by 91% since switching to the Proteus and Ambimization® process.

Reduced fire risks & energy consumption

An additional safety benefit of Ambimization® is that it eliminates fire risk – and this is further facilitated by the Proteus machine. With the traditional cleaning method, the solvent formed fine aerosol particles during each cleaning event, because of the high pressure deployed. This created an explosive (ATEX) atmosphere. Although ATEX equipment was installed and steps were taken by staff to reduce this fire risk, the risk still posed a threat.

Moving forward with the more sustainable cleaning solution provided by the Proteus machine, Fujifilm will be able to remove all ATEX rated equipment and save on time that would otherwise have been spent on ATEX health and safety measures within the pot wash area. The Proteus machine is also expected to reduce energy usage by 110,000 kWh per year, making it a hugely worthwhile investment.

Key takeaways

Fujifilm’s ink R&D and manufacturing facility in Broadstairs, Kent, has regularly made the news as a four-time winner of the UK’s Best Process Plant in 2013, 2015, 2016 and 2017, but it is for its sustainability initiatives that it is now rapidly creating waves.

Fujifilm has paved the way for more ink and coating manufacturers to implement Ambimization® by being the first company in the world to pioneer the technology. Since Fujifilm onboarded Ambimization® – and the Proteus pot wash machine – Terrafend has introduced the technology to seven additional international major coating and composite manufacturers.

Switching to Ambimization® has delivered the following objectives:

  1. Provided a green / sustainable pot cleaning process
  2. Reduced VOC emissions at the Broadstairs site
  3. Reduced energy consumption by approximately 110,000 kWh per year during the pot cleaning process
  4. Future-proofed the Broadstairs site’s pot cleaning capability
  5. Eliminated the Broadstairs site’s DSEAR risk

Gary Burgess, Manufacturing and CI Manager at FUJIFILM Speciality Ink Systems, comments: “We’re thrilled to be the first company in the world to have trialled an Ambimization® Proteus machine, installed at our Broadstairs ink manufacturing site. Although the digital ink market continues to grow, screen and flexo inks are still used for a number of printing applications. We’ve taken a step to reduce waste and energy when it comes to cleaning our ink pots. During the process, we’ve also reduced VOC emissions and eliminated the site’s largest risk.”

Emily Cassius, Head of Business Development at Terrafend, adds: “This cleaning technology has huge potential to help leading brands – like Fujifilm – to operate more efficiently while reducing risk, waste and carbon footprints. We are pleased to have helped them boost their sustainability credentials and look forward to a continued partnership.”

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Analog. Digitální. Udržitelného.

Fujifilm for packaging: a story in three parts.

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The story of Fujifilm, since its founding in 1930s Japan, has been one of continuous innovation – sometimes incremental, sometimes radical, but always ongoing. Print is one of many sectors that has benefited from that innovation, especially over the past couple of decades as digital technology has made real inroads across the industry. That trend towards digitisation is apparent across the whole print market, but the pace of change differs dramatically from sector to sector.

One sector still in the comparatively early stages of that journey is packaging.

At Fujifilm, we understand how print can add value to packaging and are combining expertise in the very latest digital print technologies with an analogue heritage to create a product portfolio that supports the production of both analogue and digitally printed packaging.

We work with packaging producers whatever the stage of their journey; whether it’s helping them to optimise analogue production lines to maximise efficiency or introduce a digital capability. We don’t do one-size-fits-all – we do the right solution, for the right producer, at the right time. And all our solutions, whether analogue, digital or somewhere in-between, are designed to reduce waste and the use of environmentally harmful chemicals, minimise energy consumption and to be as sustainable as possible.


With volumes typically far larger than other print sectors, digital is in its comparative infancy in the world of packaging. This means that not all producers are ready for significant digitisation of their printing operations and almost all that are will go hybrid, retaining significant analogue capability.

But continuing with analogue processes doesn’t mean the technology stands still – far from it. Technology and innovation have a huge role to play in the future of analogue package printing. Fujifilm is a key part of that future, with a constantly evolving analogue product portfolio designed to improve the performance and sustainability of analogue printed packaging.

First, there’s our Flenex FW water-washable flexo plates that eliminate environmentally harmful solvents often used in the plate-making process and are more durable than most alternatives, meaning fewer plate changes and less waste. And the sustainable benefits go hand-in-hand with greater press stability and therefore higher, more consistent quality. Then there’s our range of narrow web inks, which we have been supplying for many years, that have a deserved market reputation for both quality and versatility.

In addition, our retrofittable LuXtreme LED UV curing system, uniquely combining both LED UV curing hardware and a brand new range of LED UV inks, radically reduces energy consumption, eliminates harmful VOCs, requires lower maintenance and produces less waste. This results in lower costs, along with higher, more consistent quality, something that is a welcome bi-product of a lower energy system.


Fujifilm’s heritage and expertise in digital inkjet technology needs little introduction, but the detail of how this is being applied for packaging applications is less well known. Fujifilm has been a pioneer in inkjet technology since the late 1990s, with multiple solutions for wide format, commercial print and labels and packaging.

The Jet Press 750S High Speed Model has set a new standard for the quality that can be achieved with inkjet technologies. Well-known and highly respected in the commercial print sector, it is also designed to print short-run, folding-carton packaging at exceptionally high levels of quality, with many customers using it exclusively for this purpose.

Fujifilm also offers a wide range of scalable imprinting systems that bring the benefits of digital printing to analogue processes by combining Fujifilm’s proprietary technologies across printheads, ink and transport systems with the company’s in depth integration expertise. Based on Fujifilm’s world-leading Samba piezo-electric printbars, the company’s imprinting solutions allow digital inkjet printing to be integrated directly into existing analogue production lines for a broad range of industrial applications.

The Jet Press FP790 digital flexible packaging press features water-based inkjet technology, making it suitable for food packaging production. Built on decades of Fujifilm inkjet expertise, the Jet Press FP790 is designed to offer a digital alternative to flexo production for mainstream applications and print runs, and meets the strategic needs of businesses faced with the challenge of dealing with a widening variety of products – resulting in a proliferation of SKUs – and shorter delivery times.


As well as looking for a solution that’s the right fit for their business, modern packaging producers and the brands they serve are also looking for a solution that’s right for the planet. That’s why sustainability is one of the threads that links all of our packaging solutions, from analogue to digital and everything in-between.

Our Flenex plates reduce waste and eliminate the use of environmentally harmful solvents altogether, and when combined with our PRC1 filtration unit, water use is also minimised. Our LuXtreme LED UV curing system slashes energy use, and our narrow web Inks are solvent-free and manufactured in the UK at our award-winning Broadstairs factory, where extreme care is taken to ensure all manufacturing and operational processes are as environmentally responsible as possible.

Similarly, our imprinting solutions can breathe new life into an analogue production line, bringing additional functionality without the investment in a new line. Where a new investment is necessary to meet market needs, the Jet Press 750S and Jet Press FP790 digital presses eliminate many of the processes and consumables associated with traditional analogue production. Much has also been written about how the Jet Press 750S can contribute to a more circular economy.

Packaging producers, particularly multi-site global producers, are also looking for lasting partnerships with strong, innovative and highly capable suppliers with ambitions that match their own. Here Fujifilm’s legacy, technology portfolio, size and diversity gives the company a powerful platform to develop leading analogue and digital systems long into the future. With an ambition to support producers with their analogue production today, while leading the transition to digital over the long term, we are excited about our future in packaging and the partnerships we hope to develop.

We’re Fujifilm – we’re analogue, we’re digital and we’re always working to help packaging producers be more sustainable.

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Technologie digitálního tisku pro cirkulární ekonomiku

Tento bílý papír zveřejnila společnost Fujifilm jako součást svého závazku dodávat technicky vyspělá a udržitelná tisková řešení pro tiskařský průmysl.

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Where does print fit in the circular economy?

From books, newspapers, magazines and brochures to folders, annual reports and packaging, print remains a vital and highly effective branding, marketing and communications tool. But in an age of heightened environmental concern and ‘net zero’ carbon reduction targets, how can print be used in the most efficient and responsible way? In this white paper, we take a look at how the latest digital printing technology is dramatically cutting waste and making recycling much easier.

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We must do more

As part of the “European Green Deal” project, there is an action plan for the EU to boost the efficient use of resources by moving to a clean, circular economy, restore biodiversity and cut pollution, and be climate neutral by 2050. To achieve this goal, action must be taken at all levels. Switching to renewable energy will, on its own, reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by only 55%. The remaining 45% of emissions come from the way we make and use products, which means working smarter and wasting less.

Fujifilm is committed to fully integrating print into the circular economy. Net zero doesn’t have to mean online only – print will always have a vital role to play, and we’re committed to making sure it can always play that role efficiently, effectively and sustainably.

The way we print is changing

The graphics industry has many analogue techniques which, especially when used for bespoke or short run work, have an enormous impact on the environment.

Now, thanks to the latest developments in digital print technology, there are machines which can print while also:

• Massively reducing raw material use
• Using fewer and more sustainable consumables
• Needing far fewer parts replacing
• Producing less waste
• Consuming less water
• Producing 100% recyclable printed products

This technology is moving print from the linear to the circular economy in which everyone has a role to play in keeping our planet liveable and our prosperity intact.

Revoria PC1120 wins BLI 2022 Pro Award

Triumph for Fujifilm as Revoria Press PC1120 Wins Buyers Lab 2022 Pro Award

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Fujifilm’s new Revoria Press PC1120 recently earned the Keypoint Intelligence ‘Buyers Lab 2022 Pro Award’ in the ‘Outstanding High-Volume CMYK+ Production Device’ category. The Revoria Press PC1120 won the BLI 2022 PRO award for Outstanding High-volume CMYK+ Production Device due to:

  • Six colour stations with before – and after – CMYK capabilities that allow for a wider range of inline creative options than some competitors
  • Outstanding halftone image reproduction with the largest CMYK colour gamut tested to date and a range of speciality colours that help create a broad colour palette
  • Customisable and intuitive print server platform, which enables efficient device/remote management capabilities
  • Outstanding mixed-media workflow performance, with no productivity slowdown, which translates to more work being handled inline in a single job submission

An award-winning set of features

David Sweetnam, Keypoint Intelligence’s Director of EMEA/Asia Research & Lab Services commented: “The extra imaging stations before and after the standard CMYK units, along with the diverse range of toner options, make the device stand out amongst others in this digital arena”. Sweetnam was also impressed with the Revoria Flow PC11 Print Server, describing it as “providing a high level of media management, with seamless integration aided by an excellent user-friendly interface”.

Mark Lawn, Fujifilm Europe’s Head of POD Solutions, comments: “We’re delighted to have received this award, as it represents independent recognition of Fujifilm’s outstanding R&D within this area. Fujifilm has ambitious growth plans and this award fuels our drive to continue to work on our new portfolio of Revoria branded products. We know that many companies in the digital printing industry have relied on Keypoint Intelligence for hands-on testing. Their analyst experience is invaluable and for the Revoria PC1120 to be recognised with such an award marks a major milestone for us, and serves to energise us further in bringing the outstanding technologies in this press to customers to support their growth.”

About Keypoint Intelligence

Keypoint Intelligence is recognised as the industry’s most trusted resource for unbiased information and analysis, and its awards are highly respected due to its impartiality and decades of experience in digital printing.


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Download the summary report about why the Revoria PC1120 won the award here..

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Design for Environment

The FUJIFILM Group undertakes environmentally conscious product development based on its design for environment initiative.

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As part of its wider global Sustainable Value Plan 2030 (SVP2030), Fujifilm undertakes environmentally conscious product development based on its design for environment initiative. This considers the entire lifecycle of a product, from procurement, manufacturing, transportation, use to the eventual disposal, to set targets from the perspective of climate change mitigation (reduced power use, etc.). From the design stage, the “Reduce, Reuse & Recycle” principle of resource saving, risk reduction of chemical substances, and biodiversity are all considered as part of the development process.

This approach is applied not only to materials and standalone equipment, but also to software and solutions in a bid to reduce environmental impact in the society as a whole. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is conducted to achieve a quantitative and objective assessment of the environmental impact of a product. The environmental label is also used for active dissemination of information.

“Green Value Products” Certification Program

In an effort to “contribute to resolving environmental issues in society through our products and services,” as set out in the Sustainable Value Plan targeted for FY2030, Fujifilm introduced a “Green Value Products” certification program in FY2018.  This program compliments the company’s existing internal regulations on design for environment, and aims to clarify any product’s environmental values and involves the certification of products exhibiting outstanding environmental credentials.

This certification program sets certain priorities to the certification criteria according to the product category and the use and features of each product through its entire life cycle. Fujifilm then clarifies the environmental value of each product by conducting environmentally conscious design assessments based on such certification criteria at the time of product development. Certain products are then selected for certification based on the total score of each assessment item. These products are reviewed and approved by the Group Certification Council, and finally certified as a Fujifilm “Green Value Product”.

The certification criteria are determined for the entire life cycle of each product with a different weight for each assessment item, by comprehensively assessing the environmental items such as “measures for climate change,” “resource saving and recycling,” “risk minimisation for chemical substances,” and “biodiversity” as well as considering the social requirements for each business/product category.

This certification program is implemented in compliance with the requirements of the international standard “ISO14021 Self-declared Environmental Claims” and obtains the opinions of external experts in order to ensure the objectivity, reliability, and transparency of the program.

Certification ranking and criteria

Fujifilm classifies its products into three certification ranks (diamond, gold, and silver) according to the degree of their contribution to the reduction of environmental impact.

RankCertification criteria
DiamondProducts and services that user their respective industries’ innovative technologies to substantially contribute to reducing environmental impact
GoldProducts and services that reduce environmental impact at their respective industries’ highest level
SilverProducts and services that reduce environmental impact at a higher level than their respective industries’ standard

Product examples

In Fujifilm’s Graphic Arts business, the following products have been certified for their environmental performance:

Jet Press 750S High Speed Model:  GOLD

Effects on reduction of environmental impact:

  • Many of the consumables associated with conventional offset printing are eliminated
  • Significantly reduces the amount of wasted paper
  • Smaller footprint compared to previous models
  • The efficient drying mechanism reduces drying times, contributing to significantly higher speeds, and saving power
  • Excellent paper recycleability (de-inking ability)

Overall, there are significant reductions in resources, water use and waste compared to equivalent offset presses, with excellent paper recycling.

Revoria Press PC1120:                      SILVER

The requirements of major environment labels for energy consumption, hazardous substances, audible sound levels during operation and recyclable design are satisfied.

Revoria E1 Series:                             SILVER

The requirements of major environment labels for energy consumption, hazardous substances, audible sound levels during operation and recyclable design are satisfied.
