Il meglio del getto d'inchiostro e del toner

Due tecnologie di stampa digitale. Molteplici soluzioni. Un partner.

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Nel mercato della stampa commerciale odierno, i processi di stampa analogici, in particolare l’offset litografico, dominano ancora in termini di volume e valore dei materiali stampati. Tuttavia, tale volume e valore stanno diminuendo con l’aumento della domanda di materiali personalizzati stampati su richiesta e in quantità minori ma più frequenti. Queste esigenze possono essere soddisfatte solo dalla stampa digitale.

Il ricercatore di mercato Smithers ci dice che nel 2032 la stampa digitale varrà $230,5 miliardi, pari a quasi un quarto del valore globale di tutta la stampa e degli imballaggi stampati. Si tratta di poco meno di 3.000 miliardi di stampe A4, con un aumento di 68,6% sul mercato del 2022. [1] E all'interno di tale cifra per la stampa digitale, il getto d'inchiostro ha rappresentato 61,4% di valore della stampa digitale con 62,4% di volume nel 2022. Questo valore aumenterà a 74,1% di valore e 77,5% di volume nel 2032.[2]

Mentre il settore della stampa commerciale continua a digitalizzarsi, le aziende possono scegliere le migliori tecnologie di stampa digitale per progredire. Per alcuni, la velocità e la qualità del getto d’inchiostro saranno fondamentali, mentre per altri, la maggiore flessibilità del toner e la capacità di stampare colori ed effetti speciali per applicazioni creative saranno di maggiore utilità.

Per molti, la risposta sarà una combinazione di entrambe le tecnologie.

Fujifilm è unica nell'offrire soluzioni best-in-class e decenni di esperienza nello sviluppo di tecnologie sia a getto d'inchiostro che toner, quindi qualunque sia il percorso digitale intrapreso da un'azienda, Fujifilm ha sia il portafoglio di prodotti che le competenze per supportarlo.

Inoltre, l'eredità della stampa analogica di Fujifilm significa che comprende il processo e le sfide legate all'introduzione delle tecnologie di stampa digitale in un'azienda in un modo che i rivali esclusivamente digitali non possono fare.

Se si considerano tutti questi fattori, non esiste partner migliore sul mercato per supportare la trasformazione digitale.

La storia della stampante a getto d'inchiostro Fujifilm

La storia di Fujifilm e della tecnologia a getto d'inchiostro è una storia in molte parti. Ci sono le testine di stampa; gli inchiostri inkjet UV e a base acqua e le sofisticate tecnologie di integrazione e ottimizzazione che tengono insieme il tutto. Le tecnologie a getto d'inchiostro Fujifilm potenziano soluzioni di stampa come la Jet Press 750S, che da un decennio definisce lo standard di qualità e affidabilità nella produzione di stampa digitale nel settore commerciale, nonché una gamma di soluzioni di produzione a getto d'inchiostro per la segnaletica, i display e le etichette. e settore dell'imballaggio.

Testine di stampa

Fujifilm Dimatix è uno dei marchi più riconoscibili e rispettati nello sviluppo di testine di stampa a getto d'inchiostro. L'azienda è nata nel 1984 come Spectra, Inc., uno dei primi pionieri delle testine di stampa a getto d'inchiostro industriali. Nel 2005 cambiò nome in Dimatix prima di essere acquisita da Fujifilm l'anno successivo. La stessa Fujifilm è rinomata per la sua storia di innovazione, in particolare per il modo in cui si è rapidamente diversificata quando il mercato delle pellicole fotografiche ha toccato il fondo nei primi anni 2000. Questa spinta all'innovazione è continuata a ritmo sostenuto e l'acquisizione di Dimatix faceva parte della strategia di Fujifilm volta a costruire probabilmente le piattaforme tecnologiche a getto d'inchiostro più forti e diversificate del settore.

Inchiostri inkjet a base acqua

Fujifilm è una delle poche aziende al mondo con significative capacità di ricerca e sviluppo e di produzione di inchiostri a base acqua e UV per i settori commerciale, di grande formato e dell'imballaggio. Lo sviluppo di Fujifilm di inchiostri a base acqua per applicazioni commerciali, in particolare, è iniziato sul serio nel 2005 con l'acquisizione di Inkjet Business di Avecia. Specialista nello sviluppo e nella produzione di coloranti, pigmenti e coloranti ad alte prestazioni, Avecia (ora Fujifilm Imaging Colorants) è stata fondata nel 1985 con il lancio della prima generazione di coloranti per getto d'inchiostro a elevata purezza e nel 1994 ha costruito la più grande azienda digitale al mondo stabilimento di produzione di inchiostri acquosi negli Stati Uniti.

Con l'acquisizione di Fujifilm nel 2005 e i massicci investimenti in ricerca e sviluppo che ne sono seguiti, gli sviluppi più recenti hanno prodotto una serie di nuove funzionalità, tra cui coloranti di qualità fotografica per una permanenza delle immagini di 50+ cinquant'anni, tecnologie proprietarie di disperdenti reattivi e lo sviluppo di ultra- inchiostri acquosi ad alte prestazioni per la stampante a getto d'inchiostro B2 di punta di Fujifilm, la Jet Press 750S.

Fujifilm Imaging Colorants, come risultato di questa innovazione coerente e continua, è un'azienda cresciuta fino a diventare il più grande produttore mondiale di fluidi acquosi per getto d'inchiostro.

La storia dei toner Fujifilm

Potrebbe non essere molto noto al pubblico europeo, ma Fujifilm ha una lunga storia nell'introduzione di fotocopiatrici per ufficio innovative basate su toner, stampanti monocromatiche e sistemi di stampa commerciale a colori, insieme a importanti soluzioni di servizi aziendali e documentali. Storicamente questa tecnologia è stata sviluppata attraverso la sua filiale Fuji Xerox, ora chiamata FUJIFILM Business Innovation Corporation.

Sebbene inizialmente fosse una joint venture con Rank Xerox (in seguito Xerox), l'attività è stata consolidata nel Gruppo Fujifilm nel 2001 quando ha acquisito 75% del capitale, ed è diventata una consociata interamente controllata da Fujifilm nel 2019 quando ha acquisito l'ultima 25%.

Negli ultimi 60 anni, Fujifilm ha sviluppato competenze leader a livello mondiale nelle tecnologie basate sui toner, che ora includono i toner e i sistemi di fusione EA-Eco ad alte prestazioni, i sistemi di imaging e registrazione laser, gli algoritmi di retinatura e levigatura e i sistemi di finitura. e sistemi di post-elaborazione. Molte di queste tecnologie sono le migliori della categoria e garantiscono prestazioni di stampa leader del settore.

Tecnologie dei toner Fujifilm

Proprio come nel caso della sua offerta a getto d'inchiostro, la capacità di Fujifilm di portare sul mercato soluzioni di stampa toner pluripremiate deriva dalla sua competenza tecnologica fondamentale e dalla sua capacità di riunirle in soluzioni di produzione leader.

Questa nuova gamma sfrutta appieno l'eredità leader di Fujifilm nella produzione di stampa basata su toner, insieme alla profonda conoscenza dell'azienda sia della stampa offset che digitale, per creare stampanti di produzione che offrono prestazioni leader del settore. Combinano velocità di stampa elevate, flessibilità di finitura eccezionale, colori e miglioramenti leader del settore e, naturalmente, qualità di stampa eccezionale.

La macchina da stampa di punta della gamma è la Revoria Press PC1120, che presenta un motore di stampa avanzato e la possibilità di scegliere tra 10 colori, tra cui oro, argento, bianco, rosa e trasparente, facilmente configurabili in sei stazioni CMYK prima e dopo. Con una qualità di stampa leader del settore, un'incredibile versatilità di supporti e finiture e la più ampia gamma di colori, questa stampante pluripremiata ha avuto un enorme impatto in breve tempo dal suo lancio europeo graduale, offrendo a designer e marchi la libertà di creare stampe di alto valore utilizzando colori speciali su tirature brevi o medie. Con l'argento e l'oro metallizzato, il bianco e i colori ed effetti speciali disponibili, i designer possono soddisfare le richieste dei marchi di lusso alla ricerca di materiale stampato a valore aggiunto che possa essere prodotto economicamente in tirature molto brevi. Inoltre, il miglioramento delle immagini AI progettato da Fujifilm significa che le fotografie vengono migliorate automaticamente in fase di stampa, il che significa che è necessario molto meno tempo per ritoccare manualmente le immagini.

Mettendo tutto insieme

Nel moderno mercato della stampa, l’unico vero modo per rimanere competitivi è aggiungere valore. Che ciò avvenga attraverso applicazioni creative, effetti speciali o semplicemente attraverso livelli di qualità elevatissimi. Man mano che i consumatori raggiungono nuovi livelli di saturazione digitale, la stampa offre opportunità più mirate e di alto valore.

L'obiettivo di Fujifilm è garantire di aiutare i nostri clienti in tutto il settore a sfruttare appieno tali opportunità. Ogni azienda deve affrontare una serie unica di sfide e ognuna avrà requisiti tecnologici e di supporto diversi per affrontare e superare tali sfide. Ecco perché abbiamo sviluppato il nostro portafoglio per coprire l'intero mercato, dall'analogico al digitale, dal toner al getto d'inchiostro, in modo da poter collaborare con le aziende di stampa in ogni fase del loro percorso di stampa digitale, da quelle che devono ancora effettuare il primo investimento nella stampa digitale , alle imprese che hanno già abbandonato del tutto l'analogico.

Scopri il meglio del getto d'inchiostro. Scopri il meglio dei tonici. Scopri la differenza con Fujifilm.

[1],[2] Il futuro della stampa digitale fino al 2032, Smithers Information Ltd, 2022

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Case study: Acuity Prime Hybrid

Allen Signs

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Allen Signs becomes the first business to invest in the Acuity Prime Hybrid to support its efficiency and expansion

Allen Signs

Lincoln, UK

Acuity Prime Hybrid

Momento della lettura: 4 minutes

We sought the Acuity Prime Hybrid as an opportunity to explore the Fujifilm brand further. The printer has now allowed us to carry out our normal production with minimal issues and excellent quality and ink performance.

David Allen | Allen Signs

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Punti salienti

  • Allen signs invested in the Acuity Prime Hybrid in 2023
  • The family-run signage business sought an investment in Hybrid print technology.
  • The printer has seamlessly integrated into the company’s workflow.
  • The trust-based partnership with Fujifilm has proven to be a key factor in the investment.
  • Since the investment, the company has found the printer to be incredibly versatile.
  • The company looks forward to exploring more ways that the Prime Hybrid can help them expand.

UK-based signage and vehicle livery specialist Allen Signs has become the first company to invest in Fujifilm’s new Acuity Prime Hybrid printer. The ground-breaking wide format hybrid machine , which was released earlier this year, is highly versatile due to its ability to handle both rigid and flexible media.

The family-run wide format business was established in 1965, and since then, has been producing a variety of different signage applications for its consumers. David Allen, the company’s Managing Director, says his interest in the Acuity Prime Hybrid stemmed from its versatility and economical ink consumption.

Allen comments: “Due to our familiarity with hybrid platforms, we sought the Acuity Prime Hybrid as an opportunity to explore the Fujifilm brand further. The printer has now allowed us to carry out our normal production with minimal issues and excellent quality and ink performance.”

Allen adds that the Acuity Prime Hybrid’s versatility has enabled his business to print on a wider variety of substrates more efficiently and cost-effectively. The machine is already being used to print on wall coverings, direct to board and even metallic surfaces.

Impressed by the printer’s ease of use, Matt Ryder, Print Specialist at Allen Signs, says: “We tried a job on the new Fujifilm machine, and instantly, it tracked. It was perfect. As for materials, we are yet to come across a substrate that doesn’t work.”

Having built a partnership, based on trust, with Fujifilm, Allen adds: “Fujifilm has been an absolute breeze to deal with. The installation and the training were extremely quick and efficient. I’m looking forward to seeing how the Acuity Prime Hybrid printer will allow us to expand our business in the future.”

Andy Kent, Division Manager, Fujifilm Graphic Communications UK, states: “We are delighted to hear that our wide range of customers are more than satisfied with our printing technologies. As a result of Allen Signs investing in our Acuity Prime Hybrid, they have seen significant increases in print quality and a reduction in costs, whilst expanding their substrate selection. It’s fantastic to see them exploring new business opportunities.”

Acuity Prime Hybrid

Scopri la rivoluzionaria stampante ibrida per il grande formato adatta a una molteplicità di applicazioni creative.

Scopri Acuity Prime Hybrid

Il futuro dell’imballaggio flessibile è digitale

Introducing the Fujifilm Jet Press FP790

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Momento della lettura: 7 minuti

The future of flexible packaging is digital. The future of flexible packaging is inkjet. The future of flexible packaging is the Fujifilm Jet Press FP790.

While there’s no doubt that in the packaging sector, the adoption of digital print technologies has advanced much more slowly than in other print sectors, the direction of travel is unambiguous. A 2021 Allied Market Research (AMR) report estimated the global digital printed packaging market to be worth $20.6 billion (in 2021) and projected substantial CAGR of 9.1% over ten years, to reach $49.9 billion by 2031.[1]

The report singled out flexible packaging as the segment likely to grow the fastest (from the smallest base) and also indicated that inkjet would grow its share of the digital packaging market overall compared with other digital alternatives, thanks to the levels of quality and productivity that can now be achieved with leading inkjet technologies.

There are a number of trends driving these shifts, and Fujifilm has designed the Jet Press FP790 to address all of them head on. In this article we examine three of the most important of these trends and look at how Fujifilm inkjet technology, and the Jet Press FP790 in particular, is uniquely well suited to address them.

Megatrend One: Sustainability

The challenge of developing more sustainable production practices is being driven by a mix of consumer pressure, government regulation and an increasing sense of environmental responsibility on the part of brands and packaging producers.

Reducing waste and boosting recyclability is an increasing concern for packaging companies and this trend is a major driver behind the adoption of digital technology, as it offers a way to significantly reduce waste and the use of consumables associated with analogue print processes.

Going digital has significant environmental benefits here, as far fewer consumables are used before, during and after the production process compared to traditional flexo production, and there is virtually no waste, resulting in a much smaller ecological footprint.

The consumables required for platemaking and the cleaning of processing equipment, the additional packaging required for those consumables, and the additional energy and water use required for those processes are all eliminated.

Additionally, going digital means shorter runs can be printed economically, so you can print just what you need – leading to much less product waste.

Megatrend Two: Time to market  

Time is money, and modern businesses, and modern consumers, expect instant delivery. New product lines often need to be set up at a moment’s notice and the timescales involved in setting up an analogue production line can sometimes be prohibitive – especially for relatively short run jobs.

This is where digital in the form of inkjet really comes into its own. With no set-up time required, the job gets printed straight away and turnaround times are massively reduced.

Megatrend Three: Rapid rise in SKUs and reduced product lifecycles

The proliferation of SKUs is another factor behind the increasing popularity of inkjet. More unique product lines, combined with shorter product lifecycles, mean that companies frequently end up with excess inventory. This leads to logistics and storage challenges, as well as higher levels of waste and higher costs. Short run production, to print the exact quantity you need and no more, offers a way around this, but it is simply not viable using analogue processes.

Related to this, having the ability to quickly and efficiently produce extremely high quality samples is another benefit of inkjet.

Why the Jet Press FP790?

The trends above are driving the interest in digital production – but not all digital solutions are created equal. There are many solutions out there – but only one is a proven mainstream flexo packaging print alternative.

Built on years of Fujifilm inkjet and packaging sector expertise

It’s in the name. Fujifilm’s Jet Press has been synonymous with inkjet excellence in the commercial print and folding carton packaging sector for more than a decade, and Fujifilm’s expertise in printhead and ink development stretches back much further still.

Fujifilm also has a long history in the flexible packaging industry, developing flexo plates, inks, imprinting bars and LED curing solutions.

In the Jet Press FP790, Fujifilm has brought together that combination of inkjet technology and flexo packaging market knowledge to produce a digital flexible packaging press that is not only setting new standards for quality and productivity – but is also designed to fit seamlessly into a typical flexible packaging  production environment with ease.

High quality Fujifilm water based inkjet ink, with a double white option

Fujifilm is one of the world’s leading ink manufacturers and the water based ink in the Jet Press FP790 draws on that rich heritage. The inks also include a unique double white option in the Jet Press FP790, and this, in particular, sets it apart as a machine suitable for tackling everything from the simplest production that just needs to get done fast, through to jobs that require the very highest standards of quality.

Soluzione comprovata

It may be new to the market, but the Jet Press FP790 has already proven its value and its potential through the endorsement of some of the industry’s most respected software and finishing companies who have signed up as partners. These partners include Henkel and Nordmeccanica for coating and laminating solutions, and HYBRID Software for our XMF Packaging workflow solution which provides automated pre-press functionality to deliver accelerated turnaround times, maximum productivity and reduced operating costs.

These multiple partnerships with respected and experienced industry names are both a vote of confidence in the capabilities of the press, and a means of ensuring that it can fit easily and seamlessly into existing analogue production environments.

But the endorsements don’t stop there. An early UK beta customer had this to say:

“Sustainable packaging design is not just about material choice. It’s about sustainable production and that’s what the Fujifilm Jet Press 790 achieves for us. With high speed and high quality digital printing, the ability to cost-effectively produce short run lengths, and the elimination of plates and make-ready processes, all mean that the Jet Press 790 brings a host of benefits to our business. It enables us to deliver excellence in print performance, eliminate waste and exceed the needs of today’s flexible packaging market with complete flexibility and agility. We are delighted to be the first installation in Europe and we are confident that the press will provide us with significant advantages in what is a highly competitive market.”

No additional investment required

Most digital flexo packaging solutions require a lot more additional investment beyond the press itself. Special substrates that need special adhesives and laminates and considerable downtime for all the associated changeovers. The Jet Press FP790 is designed to fit seamlessly into existing workflows and existing laminating and other finishing systems.

Overall, it’s clear that digital technologies are set to drive the future of flexible packaging. There are several trends causing this shift, and we will see this continue to grow further. Fujifilm is unique in its ability to combine decades of expertise in inkjet and flexible packaging, along with the support and knowledge of its partners, to provide an innovative solution that is truly future-proofing the flexible packaging market, with the Jet Press FP790.

[1] Digital Printing Packaging Market 2031:

Jet Press FP790

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Case study: Acuity Prime 30


Caso di Studio

Byblos boosts creative potential with Fujifilm Acuity Prime investment

Byblos SRL

Turin, Italy

Acuity Prime 30

Momento della lettura: 4 minutes

Punti salienti

  • Byblos invested in an Acuity Prime 30 Flatbed printer.
  • The decision was driven by the company’s dedication to superior quality.
  • They have used the press to print on unconventional materials such as wood composite and glass.
  • The finishing techniques such as satin and gloss have been received well by clients.
  • The company are impressed by the exceptional adhesion and vibrancy of the ink.
  • Byblos is enthusiastic about being able to to meet evolving client needs.

L’investimento in Acuity Prime 30 sta trasformando la nostra attività. Grazie alla sua qualità di stampa senza pari e alla capacità di lavorare con materiali diversi, abbiamo superato le aspettative dei nostri clienti.

Alessandro Conte | Biblo

Byblos, an industry leader in high quality print production, founded in 1992, has recently made a strategic investment in Fujifilm’s Acuity Prime 30 wide format flatbed printer. This acquisition has allowed the company to attract a broader customer base, win new business opportunities, and position itself for continued success in meeting customer demands for high quality and customised wide format printing.

With a firm commitment to delivering exceptional wide format printing solutions, the Acuity Prime, installed in May 2023, is the latest addition to their advanced production line-up. Equipped with seven ink channels, CMYK, White, Clear, and Primer, and powered by the ColorGATE RIP, the new printer is empowering Byblos to expand its production offering to include unconventional materials such as wood composite and glass.

The decision to invest in the Acuity Prime 30 was driven by Byblos’ dedication to superior quality and the opportunity to experiment with different types of media and finishing techniques – such as being able to achieve a satin or glossy finish. According to Alessandro Conte, Managing Director of Byblos, these capabilities have been very well received by their clients. Furthermore, the excellent support provided by the Fujifilm team played a significant role in solidifying the partnership.

Conte is enthusiastic about the investment: “The Acuity Prime has transformed our production process and elevated our ability to meet the evolving needs of our clients. Its impressive speed and remarkable quality have exceeded our expectations. We can now deliver personalised, high-quality printing in shorter turnaround times, and unleash our creativity by printing on unconventional materials. This gives us a competitive edge in the market.”

The Acuity Prime 30’s remarkable ink quality enables Byblos to work with a wide array of materials, including various metals and glass, when using a primer. The ink demonstrates exceptional adhesion, with stunning precision and vibrancy in every print. And the durability of the ink allows it to withstand the effects of chemicals and cleaning agents, ensuring longevity and exceptional print quality.

Alessandro Conte, Managing Director of Byblos, concluded: “The Acuity Prime 30 investment is transforming our business. With its unmatched print quality and the ability to work with diverse materials, we have exceeded our clients’ expectations. This investment has not only fuelled our growth but has also solidified our position as a leader in the industry.”

Daniele Carino of Fujifilm Italy added. “The Acuity Prime 30, part of Fujifilm’s ‘new blueprint for wide format’ has been exceptionally well received since it was launched two years ago. It was built to deliver versatility, value and ease-of-use, and we’re delighted that Byblos has become the latest company to recognise its potential and take advantage of it.”

Acuity Prime 30

Find out more about why the Acuity Prime 30 can achieve industry leading productivity and quality

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Case Study: Imprinting Solutions for Direct Mail Printing


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Paragon Germany confirms investment in Fujifilm Imprinting Solution for direct mail printing

Paragon Germany

Schwandorf, Germany

Imprinting solutions

Momento della lettura: 4 minutes

Punti salienti

  • Paragon Germany employs more than 1,200 employees across eight locations in Germany, Czech Republic and Poland.
  • The company has installed a pair of one metre wide Fujifilm imprinting bars.
  • Fujifilm’s imprinting solutions replace legacy inkjet imprinting equipment on a direct mail production line.
  • Fujifilm’s heritage and proven technology was a key reason for investment.
  • The new system provided Paragon Germany with increased uptime, shorter set-up times, and reduced waste compared to the legacy system.
  • Fujifilm is pleased with Paragon’s investment and looks forward to boosting their productivity and reducing costs in the long term.

The Fujifilm imprinting system gives us more up-time, shorter set-up times and results in far less waste.

Bernd Wein | Paragone Germania

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With more than 9,000 employees in 20 countries and an annual turnover of more than €1.2 billion, Paragon Group is a major global player in direct mail, transactional print, business outsourcing and packaging. Within that wider business, Paragon Germany employs more than 1,200 employees across eight locations in Germany, Czech Republic and Poland.

Looking to replace legacy inkjet imprinting equipment on a direct mail printing production line in Schwandorf, Germany, the company has turned to Fujifilm and its industry-leading imprinting solutions, installing a pair of one metre wide Fujifilm imprinting bars to print to the front and the reverse of the web.

“There were a number of reasons we went with Fujifilm over rival systems,” explains Bernd Wein, Paragon Operations Director, Direct Mail. “We liked that they fully own all the technologies – the printheads as well as the integration technology. It gives us confidence to be dealing with one partner – a partner that we were confident could offer the service and support we need to ensure ongoing smooth operation and the swift resolution to any problems.

“It’s also proven technology,” Mr Wein continues. “Fujifilm has a long heritage in inkjet, and its imprinting solutions are tried and tested. They’re a strong and respected manufacturer and a financially robust and stable company that we know we can depend on over the long term.

“The fact that Fujifilm acquired Unigraphica in 2022 was also a factor in our investment decision. The combination of Fujifilm and Unigraphica inkjet systems integration expertise was a very attractive proposition.”

“Finally, Fujifilm was also able to provide a bespoke system as large as one metre wide. No one else we spoke to was able to do that. And furthermore, compared with our legacy system, the Fujifilm imprinting system gives us more up-time, shorter set-up times and results in far less waste.”

Stefan Steinle, Sales & Business Development Manager, FUJIFILM Integrated Inkjet Solutions, Europe comments: “We’re delighted that a company of Paragon’s reputation and standing has chosen to invest in Fujifilm inkjet imprinting technology. We look forward to boosting Paragon’s productivity, and reducing its costs for many years to come.”

Fujifilm Imprinting Systems

Find out more about Fujifilm Imprinting Systems – retrofitted to your analogue press for a multitude of applications

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Case study: ApeosPro C Toner Press

Emmerson Press

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Emmerson Press becomes first UK investor in Fujifilm’s ApeosPro C toner press

Emmerson Press

Kenilworth, UK

ApeosPro C Series

Momento della lettura: 4 minutes

Punti salienti

  • Emmerson Press, a commercial printer based in Kenilworth, UK, has a history of being a first adopter of Fujifilm printing technology.
  • In 2016, they became the first UK printer to invest in the Jet Press 720S, later upgrading to the Jet Press 750S in 2019.
  • They are the first UK print business to invest in Fujifilm’s newly launched ApeosPro C810 toner press.
  • The decision to invest in Fujifilm’s ApeosPro C810 Toner Press was made after careful research and consultation with Fujifilm representatives.
  • Emmerson Press plans to use the new toner press for a wide range of applications, particularly ultra-short run work with quick turnaround times.
  • The investment is expected to provide a competitive edge, improve cost-efficiency, and complement their existing printing machines.

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Emmerson Press, a respected commercial printer based in Kenilworth, UK, has been first before. A Fujifilm plates customer for nearly two decades, in 2016 they became the first printer in the UK to invest in the Jet Press 720S, later upgrading to the Jet Press 750S in 2019. Now, in 2023, they have now become the first UK print business to invest in Fujifilm’s newly launched ApeosPro C810 toner press.

The deal was formally agreed at a Fujifilm event in London’s docklands in May to celebrate the launch of Fujifilm’s toner technologies in the UK.

Jamie Emmerson, Director, Emmerson Press comments: “We had an existing toner machine that had reached end of life and we were looking for a new solution. After looking at the market, the ApeosPro C Toner Press seemed like an ideal choice. We’d been researching it for some time but had to wait patiently until the official UK launch in April to speak to our Fujifilm representative. Following this conversation, we soon signed the deal. Despite it being newly launched in the UK, we did our homework and, being a long-term Fujifilm partner, we were confident that the technology had been tried and tested. Being the first in the UK to invest in Fujifilm technology once again, marks an exciting time for us and we are confident that this investment will give us a competitive edge.”

“We’ll use it to produce a wide range of additional applications – particularly any ultra-short run work that needs to be turned around instantly. And we’ll also use it as an office printer, which further helps with costs and efficiency. The small format size is very useful and overall, the price point, combined with the quality that can be achieved, makes this a truly exceptional machine that is well worth the investment.

“The ApeosPro C Toner Press complements our existing machines well. Fujifilm is a trusted partner, who we enjoy working with – and having multiple solutions from one vendor makes things much simpler to manage, and the support from the Fujifilm team is always second to none.”

Martin Fairweather, National Digital Business Development Manager, Fujifilm UK comments: “We’re delighted to be further expanding our partnership with Emmerson Press. Their trust in us as a long-term partner is demonstrated by them becoming the first in the UK to invest in Fujifilm technology once again. Following the official recent ApeosPro C launch earlier this year, we’re excited to continue to drive this momentum forward and Emmerson Press is the perfect company to gain maximum benefits from this technology.”

The success of the ApeosPro C Toner Press underscores our dedication to meeting the evolving needs of valued customers like Emmerson Press. By addressing the challenges faced by modern businesses, we have positioned ourselves at the forefront of the printing industry, offering a solution that not only elevates the standard of output but also streamlines processes and enhances sustainability.

ApeosPro C Series

Learn more about the ApeosPro C series of high quality light production printers

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Case Study: Acuity Ultra R2 Roll-fed Printer


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Soyang Open House event demonstrates award-winning capabilities of Fujifilm’s 5m Acuity Ultra R2 wide format roll-fed printer.


Accrington, UK

Acuity Ultra R2

Momento della lettura: 4 minutes

Punti salienti

  • Soyang initially partnered with Fujifilm in mid-2022 to become a distributor of Acuity Ultra R2 Roll-fed printers in the UK.
  • The highly respected wide format materials supplier formed the partnership as it looked to enter hardware sales.
  • Soyang hosted an Open House to showcase the Acuity Ultra R2 Roll-fed printer in its new, purpose-built showroom.
  • The Soyang premises stocks more 1.5 million m² of printing solutions, including a huge variety of substrates.
  • Last year, Soyang bought a majority stake in Josero – a leading UK supplier of wide format printers, sign and print finishing equipment and printing supplies.
  • Josero has also partnered with Fujifilm to distribute the Acuity Prime flatbed printer in the UK.

As we branch out from being a wide format materials supplier into hardware, we felt that the ‘superwide’ 5m Acuity Ultra R2 Roll-fed printer would be a perfect fit for our portfolio.

Mark Mashiter | Soyang

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Soyang, a UK-based partner of Fujifilm, recently hosted an Open House event to showcase the remarkable capabilities of the ‘superwide’ (5m) Acuity Ultra R2 roll-fed printer to customers in its showroom. As a highly respected wide format materials supplier looking to enter into hardware sales, Soyang initially partnered with Fujifilm in mid-2022 to become a distributor of the Acuity Ultra R2 in the UK. The company was impressed with the machine’s ability to deliver on quality, reliability and ROI.

The well-attended Open House took place in Soyang’s new, purpose-built Acuity Ultra R2 Roll-fed printer showroom at its 70,000ft² head office and distribution centre in Accrington, Lancashire. In addition to the new showroom, Soyang stocks more 1.5 million m² of printing solutions, including a vast variety of substrates.

Soyang Europe Managing Director Mark Mashiter commented: “The Acuity Ultra R2 Roll-fed printer is a revolutionary machine and is part of Fujifilm’s new blueprint for wide format. At Soyang, we’re historically very well known for finding solutions to 5m prints, so as we branch out from being a wide format materials supplier into hardware, we felt that the ‘superwide’ 5m Acuity Ultra R2 printer would be a perfect fit for our portfolio.”

He adds: “We already support a huge number of customers in the wide format sector with material sales. We’re pleased to be able to offer hardware too.”

Soyang’s Open House event was hosted in partnership with Josero, a leading UK supplier of wide format printers, sign and print finishing equipment and printing supplies. Soyang, which bought the majority shares of Josero last year, has also partnered with Fujifilm to distribute the Acuity Prime flatbed printer in the UK.

Soyang customer Vincent Randall, co-owner of MediaCo Group, commented: “It was a pleasure to attend Soyang’s Open House event and it was great to see the Acuity Ultra R2 in-person. The fact that Fujifilm is making machines and designing them around users’ needs – and around their inks – is significantly important to companies like ours.”

Launched in mid-2021 as part of Fujifilm’s new Acuity wide format range, the Acuity Prime flatbed and Acuity Ultra R2 Roll-fed printers have each won iF, Good Design and Red Dot awards for their impeccable design features.

Andy Webb, UK Wide Format Sales Manager at Fujifilm, notes: “Our Acuity wide format machines were all fully developed by Fujifilm to maximise usability and ROI. We’re confident that Soyang’s extensive industry knowledge, expertise and customer base – all demonstrated at its recent Open House event – will help us to boost Acuity Ultra R2 and Acuity Prime sales across the UK.”

Acuity Ultra R2

Find out more about the Acuity Ultra R2’s ultra-high quality and versatility, and how its low ink consumption can improve ROI

Scopri Acuity Ultra R2

Novità mondiale: soluzione detergente sostenibile

Fujifilm riduce l'impronta di carbonio dei suoi inchiostri con una tecnologia di pulizia innovativa presso il suo stabilimento di produzione di inchiostri di Broadstairs

Leggi l'articolo

Momento della lettura: 6 minutes

  • Fujifilm è passata a una tecnologia di pulizia più rispettosa dell'ambiente presso il suo stabilimento di produzione di inchiostri di Broadstairs.
  • L'azienda ha collaborato con Terrafend, che sviluppa e fornisce soluzioni di pulizia sostenibili.
  • Fujifilm diventa la prima azienda al mondo a installare una macchina Ambimization® Proteus.
  • La tecnologia Ambimization® fornisce un approccio rivoluzionario alla pulizia combinando ingegneria chimica e meccanica.
  • I liquidi detergenti a base d'acqua non sono infiammabili, non cancerogeni e non tossici.
  • Da quando ha installato la nuova tecnologia, Fujifilm ha ridotto significativamente i rifiuti, l'impronta di carbonio e le emissioni di COV.

The FUJIFILM Specialty Ink Systems (FSIS) award-winning factory in Broadstairs, UK, manufactures high performance inks for a range of markets, including Uvijet wide format UV inkjet inks, and Sericol screen and flexo inks. The factory has implemented several sustainability initiatives over the last ten years and in the summer of 2022, it became the first ever company to trial the new-to-market Ambimization® fluids and Proteus pot wash machine from Terrafend.

La tecnologia brevettata Ambimization® di Terrafend combina l'ingegneria chimica e meccanica per fornire un approccio rivoluzionario alla pulizia. I fluidi Ambimization® a base d'acqua non sono infiammabili, non cancerogeni e non tossici. Funzionano a temperatura ambiente e possono essere utilizzati ripetutamente prima di raggiungere la fine del ciclo di vita, riducendo così i rischi sul posto di lavoro, il consumo di energia e i COV (Composti Organici Volatili).

L'anno scorso, Fujifilm ha adottato la tecnologia Ambimization® nel suo reparto inchiostri analogici a Broadstairs per pulire i contenitori di inchiostro UV, a base acqua e a base solvente. L'uso di Ambimization®, a sua volta, ha consentito a Fujifilm di implementare la macchina lavapentole Proteus. Queste nuove innovazioni hanno sostituito le apparecchiature di pulizia esistenti che utilizzavano solventi chimici.

The Proteus machine cleans pots with a water-based Ambimization® fluid in a time-efficient manner, facilitating cost and energy savings, as well as reducing the use of VOCs and creating a safer working environment. It is a sustainable cleaning solution that aligns with Fujifilm’s commitments to promote the use of green technology.

Passando dalla pulizia a solvente a quella a base acqua

Il vecchio processo di pulizia dei vasi di Fujifilm prevedeva che i solventi venissero spruzzati sulle pareti dei recipienti di miscelazione a pressioni superiori a 70 bar, rimuovendo così tracce di inchiostro e decontaminando le superfici dei vasi. Questo metodo utilizzava circa 72.000 litri di solvente a base chimica e generava circa 22.000 litri di rifiuti all’anno.

Dopo il processo di pulizia, il solvente usato, saturo di inchiostro, è stato pompato in un serbatoio di stoccaggio da 24.000 litri presso lo stabilimento di Broadstairs. Una volta pieno, il serbatoio è stato svuotato da un appaltatore specializzato e i rifiuti di solvente sono stati rimossi dal sito, tramite un'autocisterna, a un ricondizionatore chimico. Nel riprocessatore, gli scarti sono stati separati attraverso la distillazione, consentendo di restituire a Fujifilm il solvente 75% e di riutilizzarlo. Un limite di questo metodo era la sua inefficienza, con la perdita di 25% del materiale nel processo di riciclaggio.

In netto contrasto, la nuova macchina Proteus e i fluidi a base d’acqua generano rifiuti chimici e COV minimi. Con Ambimization®, Fujifilm è riuscita a ridurre la produzione di rifiuti di solventi nel suo sito di Broadstairs. Ciò non è solo migliore per l'ambiente, ma è anche più sicuro e più piacevole per il team Fujifilm in loco che maneggia i calamai prima e dopo la pulizia. Fujifilm ha ridotto le proprie emissioni di COV del 91% da quando è passata al processo Proteus e Ambimization®.

Rischi di incendio e consumo energetico ridotti

Un ulteriore vantaggio in termini di sicurezza di Ambimization® è che elimina il rischio di incendio – e questo è ulteriormente facilitato dalla macchina Proteus. Con il metodo di pulizia tradizionale, il solvente formava sottili particelle di aerosol durante ogni operazione di pulizia, a causa dell'alta pressione impiegata. Ciò ha creato un'atmosfera esplosiva (ATEX). Sebbene siano state installate apparecchiature ATEX e il personale abbia adottato misure per ridurre questo rischio di incendio, il rischio rappresentava ancora una minaccia.

Moving forward with the more sustainable cleaning solution provided by the Proteus machine, Fujifilm will be able to remove all ATEX rated equipment and save on time that would otherwise have been spent on ATEX health and safety measures within the pot wash area. The Proteus machine is also expected to reduce energy usage by 110,000 kWh per year, making it a hugely worthwhile investment.

Punti chiave

L'impianto di ricerca e sviluppo e produzione di inchiostri di Fujifilm a Broadstairs, nel Kent, ha regolarmente fatto notizia come quattro volte vincitore del premio Miglior impianto di processo del Regno Unito nel 2013, 2015, 2016 e 2017, ma è per le sue iniziative di sostenibilità che ora sta rapidamente creando onde.

Fujifilm ha aperto la strada a più produttori di inchiostri e rivestimenti per implementare Ambimization® essendo la prima azienda al mondo a essere pioniera di questa tecnologia. Da quando Fujifilm ha adottato Ambimization® – e la macchina lavapentole Proteus – Terrafend ha introdotto la tecnologia ad altri sette importanti produttori internazionali di rivestimenti e compositi.

Il passaggio ad Ambimization® ha raggiunto i seguenti obiettivi:

  1. Fornito un processo di pulizia dei vasi verde/sostenibile
  2. Riduzione delle emissioni di COV nel sito di Broadstairs
  3. Consumo energetico ridotto di circa 110.000 kWh all'anno durante il processo di pulizia delle pentole
  4. A prova di futuro la capacità di pulizia dei vasi del sito di Broadstairs
  5. Eliminato il rischio DSEAR del sito di Broadstairs

Gary Burgess, Manufacturing and CI Manager at FUJIFILM Speciality Ink Systems, comments: “We’re thrilled to be the first company in the world to have trialled an Ambimization® Proteus machine, installed at our Broadstairs ink manufacturing site. Although the digital ink market continues to grow, screen and flexo inks are still used for a number of printing applications. We’ve taken a step to reduce waste and energy when it comes to cleaning our ink pots. During the process, we’ve also reduced VOC emissions and eliminated the site’s largest risk.”

Emily Cassius, responsabile dello sviluppo aziendale presso Terrafend, aggiunge: “Questa tecnologia di pulizia ha un enorme potenziale per aiutare marchi leader – come Fujifilm – a operare in modo più efficiente riducendo al contempo rischi, sprechi e emissioni di carbonio. Siamo lieti di averli aiutati a rafforzare le loro credenziali di sostenibilità e attendiamo con impazienza una partnership continuativa”.

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Case Study: Acuity Ultra R2


Argomento di studio

Wide format specialist Oedim boosts its Acuity ‘superwide’ printer fleet by investing in an Acuity Ultra R2 Inkjet Printer


Jaén, Spain

Acuity Ultra R2

Punti salienti

  • Oedim invested in a 5m Acuity Ultra R2 to support business growth.
  • The company already had four Acuity Ultra presses.
  • Success with previous Acuity Ultra models and an excellent relationship with Fujifilm made it the obvious decision
  • The new press will be used to print advertisements, signage and building wraps.
  • The company prides itself on delivering versatility and value to its customers.
  • Oedim was pleased with the consistent good service that it received from Fujifilm.

Our investment in yet another Fujifilm printer has enhanced our confidence in the company as a trusted and reliable partner.

Miguel Ángel Gómez Cano | Managing Director, Oedim

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Spanish wide format specialist Oedim has once again partnered with Fujifilm to expand its fleet of Acuity wide format printers to increase productivity and support its growth. The company, which already owns four Acuity Ultra printers, recently invested in a 5m ‘superwide’ Acuity Ultra R2 Inkjet Printer. The new printer, which has been installed at its 20,000 square metre site in Jaén, Spain, will predominantly be used to print wide format advertisements on canvases, as well as signage for events and building wraps.

Established in 1996, Oedim is a wide format print specialist that prioritises personalisation and efficiency, while delivering on versatility and value. Many of its customers operate in the marketing and advertising sectors, and require wide format prints on substrates including vinyl, cardboard, tarpaulin, textiles and more.

Oedim sought another Fujifilm wide format printer because it was pleased with the quality and reliability of its existing Acuity Ultra machines. It was also very happy with the service it had received from Fujifilm.

The Acuity Ultra R2 Inkjet Printer, which is part of Fujifilm’s new range of wide format printers, is available in ‘superwide’ 5m and standard 3.2m configurations, and Mercury UV and LED UV configurations. Engineered from the ground up, with the operator in mind, it has won Red Dot, Good Design and iF awards for its impeccable design features.

Miguel Ángel Gómez Cano, Managing Director at Oedim, says: “At Oedim, wide format prints are our speciality. Many of our customers operate in the marketing and advertising sectors and require wide format prints – be it on textiles, vinyl, cardboard or tarpaulin. Our investment in an Acuity Ultra R2 has enabled us to prioritise personalisation and efficiency, while delivering on versatility and value – all while achieving growth.”

“Now, with an Acuity Ultra R2 included in our fleet of printers, we can offer our customers an even faster and more reliable service, particularly when delivering ‘superwide’ 5m prints. The machine is not only intuitive and easy to use, it is also reliable and offers exceptional quality. This is proven, as we use it predominantly to print on mesh and canvases and events canvases. ”

Cano says: “Our investment in yet another Fujifilm printer has enhanced our confidence in the company as a trusted and reliable partner.”

Joan Casas, Manager at Fujifilm Graphic Communications, Spain, comments: “We’re thrilled that the Acuity Ultra R2 is helping Oedim meet the needs of its customers and we thank them for being a loyal Fujifilm partner.” 

Acuity Ultra R2

Find out more about the Acuity Ultra R2’s ultra-high quality and versatility, and how its low ink consumption can improve ROI

Scopri Acuity Ultra R2

Case Study: Acuity Prime 30 Flatbed Printer

Nuneaton Signs

Argomento di studio

Nuneaton Signs opts for Acuity Prime 30 Flatbed Printer to maximise business growth

Nuneaton Signs

Nuneaton, UK

Acuity Prime 30

Punti salienti

  • Nuneaton Signs provides meaningful employment and training for people with disabilities manufacturing traffic and commercial signage
  • The company invested in an Acuity Prime 30 flatbed printer to support business growth and product sales.
  • The Acuity Prime was chosen for its reliability and ability to produce high-quality prints, cost effectively.
  • The printer’s versatility and ability to print to multiple substrates was also a huge part of its appeal.
  • The Acuity Prime’s ease-of-use and quick setup was a crucial factor for team members with disabilities.
  • The Acuity Prime 30 has won Red Dot, Good Design and iF awards for its impeccable design features.

We visited Fujifilm’s Broadstairs site, and were given an extensive demonstration of the Acuity Prime 30 Flatbed Printer, which turned out to be the ideal printer for our business’s requirements.

Daren Hollins | Nuneaton Signs

UK-based social enterprise Nuneaton Signs has invested in a Fujifilm Acuity Prime 30 flatbed printer to support its business growth and product sales. The company, which was established in 1982 in Nuneaton, UK, manufactures traffic signage and signs for a wide variety of commercial applications, whilst providing meaningful employment and training for people with disabilities, which affect 71% of its employees.

Daren Hollins, Head of Procurement at Nuneaton Signs said the company sought a new flatbed printer to speed up the production of its signs and manufactured goods. The company chose the Acuity Prime 30 because of its reliability, its ability to produce high quality prints and because it was in line with the company’s budget.

Hollins explains: “We went out to tender with various companies and we chose Fujifilm because we were impressed with the cost and efficiency of its inks, the cost of this printer and how overall, it was able to deliver in terms of quality and reliability – all while meeting our financial criteria.”

He adds: “It is two-and-a-half times faster than the previous printer we used for the same types of jobs. It is also quick to set up and easy to use – which is particularly important for our team members with disabilities.”

Hollins highlights that Fujifilm’s exceptional ink quality has enabled Nuneaton Signs to print high quality jobs on a variety of substrates. With a focus on the most sustainable substrates, Nuneaton Signs prints on: polypropylene; 100% recycled and recyclable cast acrylic sheets; polyester sheets; premium fibre structure paper board; recyclable aluminium composite material; lightweight foam board and many others. He also says that Fujifilm provided excellent training and support, further enhancing his trust in the brand.

Engineered from the ground up, with the operator in mind, the Acuity Prime 30 – released in 2021 as part of Fujifilm’s new blueprint for wide format – has won Red Dot, Good Design and iF awards for its impeccable design features.

Hollins continues: “We visited Fujifilm’s Broadstairs site (in Kent, UK), and were given an extensive demonstration of the Acuity Prime 30, which turned out to be the ideal printer for our business’s requirements. The service provided by Fujifilm was excellent and efficient. When the machine was installed, it was ready for use – factoring our training – within a week.”

Andy Kent, Division Manager, Fujifilm UK, adds: “We value all of our customers and their business requirements. We’re particularly pleased to see that our printer is supporting Nuneaton Sign’s team members with disabilities – ultimately enhancing their independence.”

Social enterprises like Nuneaton Signs trade for a social purpose and reinvest or donate a percentage of their profits to further their cause. In the UK, there are around 100,000 social enterprises, which employ nearly 2 million people.

Acuity Prime 30

Find out more about why the Acuity Prime 30 can achieve industry leading productivity and quality

Discover the Acuity Prime