Étude de cas
Impress Print Services étend ses capacités et renforce son efficacité grâce à un triple investissement dans les solutions d’impression numérique de Fujifilm
Temps de lecture: 7 minutes
Les machines Fujifilm accomplissent immédiatement ce que nous attendons d’elles, avec un temps d’arrêt réduit au minimum, ce qui améliore la productivité et l’efficacité globales de notre entreprise.
Michael Kille | Impress Print Services
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Points forts
- Un investissement combiné permet au leader britannique de l’impression d’étendre ses capacités et de renforcer son efficacité opérationnelle.
- Les solutions d’impression numérique comprennent la Jet Press 750S Grande vitesse, la Revoria Press PC1120 et la Revoria Press E1 de Fujifilm.
- Les nouvelles presses ont propulsé Impress sur de nouveaux marchés, tels que l’emballage en courts tirages (grâce à la Jet Press), et lui ont permis de réaliser en interne des travaux de lithographie B1 précédemment externalisés (grâce aux presses Revoria).
- Impress accorde une grande importance à la durabilité. Au moment d’envisager son investissement, la société a porté une attention particulière aux caractéristiques environnementales globales des nouvelles machines.
- Les couleurs spéciales de la Revoria PC1120 ont véritablement aidé l’imprimerie à conserver certains types de travaux, et la qualité et la productivité de la Revoria E1 monochrome ont comblé Impress Print Services
Leading UK print company expands capabilities and enhances operational efficiency with combined investment in Fujifilm’s Jet Press 750S High Speed Model, Revoria Press PC1120 and Revoria Press E1 Series. Based in Walton-on-Thames, UK, Impress is a family owned business that has grown into an award-winning print business with a reputation for quality and sustainability. Over the course of more than three decades, Impress has delivered marketing materials for a diverse clientele, including both end-users and creative agencies.

After one of the company’s previous digital machines reached end of life, the team at Impress were exploring various options in the market. Michael Kille, Managing Director, Impress Print Services, comments: “The quality produced on our previous digital machine was good, but there were productivity issues. Now, the Fujifilm machines do what we need them to do straight away, with minimal downtime, enhancing our overall business productivity and efficiency. Furthermore, our production capabilities and our value offering have been significantly enhanced through the addition of B2 digital, which complements our litho offering.
“Additionally,” Kille continues. “The special colours on the Revoria PC1120 have really helped us to retain certain types of work that would previously have been B1 litho printed, and we’re delighted with the quality and productivity of the monochrome Revoria E1.”
Les nouvelles presses ont propulsé Impress sur de nouveaux marchés, tels que l’emballage en courts tirages (grâce à la Jet Press), et lui ont permis de réaliser en interne des travaux de lithographie B1 précédemment externalisés (grâce aux presses Revoria).
Impress est une entreprise qui accorde une grande importance à la durabilité, comme en témoignent son engagement à recycler les matériaux, son programme continu de développement durable et l’exploitation de l’énergie solaire pour ses propres besoins énergétiques. Au moment d’envisager son investissement, la société a porté une attention particulière aux caractéristiques environnementales globales des nouvelles machines.
Michael comments: “Since installing the Fujifilm machines, we’ve seen a significant reduction in power usage. In particular, with the efficiencies created by the Jet Press 750S, its B2 capability and enhanced productivity, coupled with the lack of breakdowns and smooth workflow, our waste and downtime has reduced and output has significantly increased.”
He concludes: “It’s been a fantastic experience working with Fujifilm through the sales and installation process, and they are always responsive when providing ongoing support. They are truly one of the top suppliers in the industry. Thanks to Fujifilm, we now have the best in inkjet and the best in toner, and a business that runs more productively and effectively than ever before.”
Taro Aoki, Head of Digital Press Solutions, Fujifilm Graphic Communications Europe comments: “Fujifilm is unique in the market in offering the best of both toner and inkjet solutions and it’s always particularly rewarding to partner with businesses who recognise the enormous potential of the combination of these new technologies. But our market-leading technologies are only half of the story. We’re equally proud of the service we provide after installation as we help businesses to develop and grow. This bold investment from Impress is just the beginning, we look forward to working with them in the months and years to come as they grow their offering and their business and bring the benefits of best-in-class-toner and inkjet technology to their own customers.”
Solutions d’impression de labeur
Un seul partenaire pour le meilleur du jet d'encre et du toner. Découvrez notre gamme complète de presses numériques ainsi que des articles et des témoignages de clients ayant bénéficié de leurs investissements dans la technologie numérique de Fujifilm.
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